ISTLab Yearly Report — 2002
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- A. Pouloudi.
Innovative applications of e-business in Greece (In Greek).
Rota, 2002.
Journal Articles
- Pramatari K.
Papakiriakopoulos D. Poulymenakou A. and Doukidis G.
New forms of cpfr: Daily collaboration at store level.
ECR Journal, 2(2):38–43, 2002.
- Papazafeiropoulou A.,
Pouloudi A., and Poulymenakou A.
Electronic commerce competitiveness in the public sector: The importance of
stakeholder involvement.
International Journal of Services Technology and Management,
3(1):82–95, 2002.
- C. Atkinson,
T. Eldabi, R.J. Paul, and A. Pouloudi.
Integrated approaches to health informatics research and development.
Journal of Logistics Information Management, Vol.15(2):138–152,
- Spanos Y. Prastakos G.
and Poulymenakou A.
The relationship between information and communication technologies and
Information and Management, 39(8):659–675, 2002.
- G.M Giagis, S. Klein,
and R.M O Keefe.
The role of intermediaries in electronic marketplaces: Developing a contingency
Information Systems Journal, pages 231–246, 2002.
- G.M. Giaglis, D.A.
Papakiriakopoulos, and G.J. Doukidis.
An analytical framework and a development method for inter-organisational
business process modelling.
International Journal of Simulation, 2(2):5–15, 2002.
- V. Hlupic,
N. Pouloudi, and G. Rzevski.
Towards an integrated approach to
knowledge management: 'hard', 'soft' and 'abstract' issues.
Knowledge and Process Management: the Journal of Corporate
Transformation, Vol.9(2):90–102, 2002.
- Z. Irani, V. Hlupic, and
G.M Giaglis.
Business process re-engineering: an analysis perspective.
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems,
14(1):5–10, 2002.
- Samiotis K. and
Poulymenakou A.
Knowledge managements in e-banking: A competence-based perspective.
Journal of Computer Information Systems, XXXXII(5):102–109,
- Samiotis K., Poulymenakou
A., and Doukidis G.
Understanding knowledge management interventions: Evidence from supporting
(e-)banking activities.
Journal of Knowledge and Process Management, 2002.
- Miltiadis D. Lytras, Nancy Pouloudi, and Angeliki
Dynamic e-learning settings through advanced semantics. the value justification
of a knowledge management oriented metadata schema.
International Journal on E-Learning., Vol.1(4):49–61, 2002.
- Miltiadis D. Lytras, Nancy Pouloudi, and Angeliki
A framework for technology
convergence in learning and working.
Educational Technology and Society, Journal of International Forum of
Educational Technology & Society and IEEE Learning Technology Task
Force, Vol. 5(2):99–106, 2002.
- Miltiadis D. Lytras, Nancy Pouloudi, and Angeliki
Knowledge management convergence:
Expanding learning frontiers.
Journal of Knowledge Management., Vol.6(1):40–51, 2002.
- Zaharias P.,
Vassilopoulou K., and Poulymenakou A.
Designing on-line learning courses: Implications for usability.
Scientific Journal on Applied Information Technology, 1(1),
- A. Papazafeiropoulou, A. Pouloudi, and G.J. Doukidis.
A framework for best practices in electronic commerce awareness creation.
Business Process Management Journal, Vol.8(3):233–244, 2002.
- A. Papazafeiropoulou, A. Pouloudi, and A. Poulymenakou.
commerce competitiveness in the public sector: The importance of stakeholder
International Journal of Services Technology and Management,
Vol.3(1):82–95, 2002.
Book Chapters
- L. Eatock, A. Serrano,
G.M. Giaglis, and R.J. Paul.
Evaluating information technology lessons from integrating business process
simulation with computer network simulation.
In P. Henderson, editor, Systems Engineering for Business Process Change:
New Directions, pages 150–159. Springer, 2002.
- G.M. Giaglis,
P. Kourouthanassis, and A. Tsamakos.
Towards a classification framework for mobile location services.
In B.E. Mennecke and T.J. Strader, editors, Mobile Commerce: Technology,
Theory, and Applications, pages 67–85. Idea Group Publishing, 2002.
- M.G.
Lycett and A. Pouloudi.
Component-based development: issues of data protection.
In G. Dhillon, editor, Social responsibility in the information age:
Issues and Controversies, pages 53–65. Hershey: Idea Group
Publishing, 2002.
- A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi.
Social issues in electronic commerce: Implications for policy markers [reprint
of the information resources management journal paper].
In G. Dhillon, editor, Social responsibility in the information age:
Issues and Controversies, pages 144–159. Hershey: Idea Group
Publishing, 2002.
- K. Samiotis and A. Poulymenakou.
The learning enactment of process knowledge: An approach anchored on work
In V. Hlupic, editor, Knowledge and Business Process Management,
pages 99–117. Idea Group Publishing, London UK, 2002.
ISBN 1591400368.
Conference Publications
- P. Chozos and A. Pouloudi.
A european perspective on
the adoption of electronic commerce by small to medium-sized enterprises.
In 3rd European Conference E-COMM-LINE, pages 300–303, 2002.
- G. Dafoulas,
A. Pateli, and M. Turega.
Business-to-employee cooperation support through online job interviews.
In WBC '02, 2nd International Workshop on Web Based Collaboration, in
conjunction with DEXA '02, 13th International Conference on Database and
Expert Systems Applications, September 2002.
- K. Fouskas, A. Pateli,
D. Spinellis, and H. Virola.
Applying contextual inquiry for capturing end-users behaviour requirements for
mobile exhibition services.
In 1st International Conference on Mobile Business, July 2002.
- G.M. Giaglis.
European research on knowledge and information management: Current status and
future prospects.
In 2nd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Managemnt,
pages 19–25, April 2002.
- G.M. Giaglis.
On the present and future of european research on knowledge and information
In 24th International Conference on Information Technology, June
- G.M. Giaglis.
Towards a predictive model for electronic marketplaces intermediation
In 3rd World Congress on the Management of Electronic Commerce,
January 2002.
- G.M. Giaglis,
P. Kourouthanassis, and G.J Doukidis.
Intelligent tagging and automatic home replenishment schemes: The mygrocer
innovative business and technology framework.
In International Conference on New Technologies and Strategies to Enhance
Packaging Supply Chains, January 2002.
- G.M. Giaglis,
A. Pateli, K. Fouskas, P. Kourouthanassis, and A. Tsamakos.
On the potential use of mobile positioning technologies in indoor environments.
In 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, pages
413–429, June 2002.
- V. Hlupic,
Pouloudi A., and G. Rzevski.
Using intelligent agents for knowledge management in e-commerce.
In 22nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces
(ITI '2002), pages 349–356. SRCE University Computing Centre, 2002.
- P. Kavassalis,
N. Spyropoulou, D. Drossos, V. Mitrokostas, G. Gikas, and A. Hatzistamatiou.
Mobile permission marketing - framing the market inquiry.
In 13th International Telecommunications Society's (ITS) European
Regional Conference, September 2002.
- Panos
Kourouthanasis, Diomidis Spinellis, Giorgos Roussos, and Giorgos Giaglis.
cokes and diapers: MyGrocer ubiquitous computing environment.
In First International Mobile Business Conference, pages 150–172,
July 2002.
- P. Kourouthanassis, G.M. Giaglis, and G.J Doukidis.
Improving the retail grocery supply chain through mobile shopping of
electronically referenced products.
In 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, pages
263–278, June 2002.
- P. Kourouthanassis, G. Roussos, and G.M. Giaglis.
Intelligent cokes and diapers: Mygrocer ubiquitous computing environment.
In 1st International Conference on Mobile Business, July 2002.
- G. Lekakos and
G.M. Giaglis.
Delivering personalised advertisements in digital television: A methodology and
empirical evaluation.
In 2nd Workshop on Personalization in Future Television, pages
119–129, May 2002.
- Miltiadis D. Lytras and Nancy Pouloudi.
Semantics for e-learning: An advanced knowledge management oriented metadata
schema for learning purposes.
In Philip Barker & Samuel Rebelsky, editor, World Conference on
Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA
2002), pages 1195–1197, 2002.
- M. Lytras,
C. Lougos, P. Chozos, and A. Pouloudi.
Interactive television and
e-learning convergence: Examining the potential of t-learning.
In European Conference on e-Learning 2002, 2002.
- Miltiadis D.
Lytras, Chris Lougos, Polyneikis Chozos, and Nancy Pouloudi.
Interactive tv technology and e-learning convergence: A challenging landscape
in the direction of effectiveness.
In European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL), 2002.
- Miltiadis D. Lytras, Nancy Pouloudi, and Angeliki
Applying qualitative research in e-learning. discussion and findings from three
case studies. investigating the quality of e-learning towards a knowledge
management oriented metadata schema.
In Philip Barker & Samuel Rebelsky, editor, World Conference on
Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA
2002), pages 1192–1194, 2002.
- I. Mathes, A. Pateli,
A. Tsamakos, and D. Spinellis.
Context aware services in an exhibition environment-the mexpress approach.
In Challenges and Achievements in E-business and E-work: Proceedings of
the E-business and E-work Conference, pages 685–692, October 2002.
- G. Milopoulos, A. Pouloudi, and G. Lytras.
Cebos: Transforming sme needs to successful e-marketplaces.
In B. et al In Stanford-Smith, editor, E-business and e-work
Conference, pages 568–576, 2002.
- G. Milopoulos, N. Pouloudi, and G. Lytras.
e-marketplaces for all.
In 3rd European Conference E-COMM-LINE, pages 265–268, 2002.
- A. Nikas,
A. Poulymenakou, and K. Samiotis.
Networked business organisations: an actionable research framework.
In Proceedings of eBusiness and eWork 2002 - Conference and Exhibition
(e-2002), October 2002.
- Poulymenakou A.
Papargyris A. and Samiotis K.
Knowledge processes embedded in task structures: Implications for the design of
a technical and organisational solution.
In Springer, editor, Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on
Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, volume 2569 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, December 2002.
- A. Papazafeiropoulou and Pouloudi A.
Investigating stakeholder participation in managing effective electronic
commerce diffusion mechanisms.
In 2nd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management
(ICSTM'02), pages 12–19, 2002.
- A. Papazafeiropoulou, Pouloudi A., and G. J. Doukidis.
Electronic commerce policy-making in developing regions: the case of south
eastern europe.
In International Resources Management Association Conference
(IRMA'02), 2002.
- Ada Pateli, Giorgos
Giaglis, and Diomidis Spinellis.
Indoor application environments and location-based services.
In Proceedings of Workshop on Location-based Services for Accelerating
the European-wide Deployment of Services for the Mobile User and
Worker. The LOBSTER IST Cluster, October 2002.
- N. Pouloudi, K. Vassilopoulou, and X. Ziouvelou.
Considering the societal
implications in the adoption of e-business models.
In I. et al. In Alvarez, editor, 6th International Conference on The
transformation of organizations in the information age: social and ethical
implications (ETHICOMP' 02), pages 237–246, 2002.
- Nancy Pouloudi, Polyneikis Chozos, and Miltiadis D.
Ethical issues in e-learning: Insights from the application of stakeholder
analysis in three e-learning cases.
In Margaret Driscoll & Thomas C. Reeves, editor, E-Learn 2002, World
Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher
Education, pages 196–203, 2002.
- G. Roussos, L. Koukara,
P. Kourouthanassis, G.M. Giaglis, J. Tuominen, O. Seppala, and J. Frissaer.
A case study in pervasive retail.
In 2nd ACM International Workshop on Mobile Commerce, pages
90–95, September 2002.
- K. Samiotis
and A. Poulymenakou.
Using a practice-based perspective to inform the design of knowledge management
systems: Evidence from supporting (e-)banking activities.
In Proceedings of the Xth European Conference on Information Systems
(ECIS 2002), June 2002.
- A. Tsamakos,
P. Kourouthanassis, and G.M. Giaglis.
Auctioning tourisn products over mobile devices.
In 1st International Conference on Mobile Commerce, July 2002.
- K. Vassilopoulou, A. Pouloudi, A Patronidou, and
A. Poulymenakou.
E-business models. a
proposed framework.
In B. et al. Stanford-Smith, editor, e-Business and e-Work
Conference, pages 1003–1009, 2002.
- A. Vrechopoulos, I. Constantiou, N. Mylonopoulos,
and I. Sideris.
Critical success factors for accelerating mobile commerce diffusion in europe.
In C. Loebbecke, R.T. Wigand, J. Gricar, A. Pucihar, and G. Lenart, editors,
Proceedings of the '15th Bled E-commerce Conference, e-Reality:
Constructing the e-Economy'., June 17-19 2002.
- A. Vrechopoulos, I. Constantiou, and I. Sideris.
Strategic marketing planning for mobile commerce diffusion and consumer
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mobile Business:
Evolution Scenarios for Emerging Mobile Commerce Services - M-BUSINESS
2002., July 8-9 2002.
prepared in CD - Folder 9.4 - by Mobicom IST project and ELTRUN - The eBusiness
Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business.
- P. Zaharias,
A. Poulymenakou, and A. Ramfos.
Developing e-learning services for the enhancement of ICT skills in
enlargement european countries.
In Proceedings of the e-2002: eBusiness and eWork 2002, October
- P. Zaharias,
C. Vassiliou, S. Halamandaris, Y. Hamodrakas, and D. Martakos.
Web-based testing: dynamic construction of assessments over the web.
In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2002: World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, June 2002.
- P. Zaharias,
K. Vassilopoulou, and A. Poulymenakou.
On-line learning courses: A review and usability attributes.
In Proceedings of E-Learn 2002 Montreal, October 2002.
- V. Zeimpekis and
G.M Giaglis.
Investigation and assessment of mobile commerce as a supply chain management
In 6th National Congress on Logistics, 2002.
- V. Zeimpekis,
R. Alvarez, R. Tafazzoli, and B.G. Evans.
Impact of constellation design on doppler rate based mt positionins for s-umts.
In AIAA International Communication Satellite Systems Conference,
White Papers
- Fouskas K. and Pateli A.
Mobile in exchibition provision of electronic support services: Actor
requirements framework & realistic application scenarios.
Technical report, Athens University of Economics and Business Research Centre,
- Fouskas K. and J. Syros P.
Feasibility study of mobile ticketing in greece.
Technical report, Athens University of Economics and Business Research Centre,
- Nikolaos A.
Mylonopoulos, Ioannis Sideris, Kostas Fouskas, and Ada Pateli.
Emerging market dynamics in the
mobile services industry.
Technical Report WHP-2002-001, the Members of the MobiCom Consortium, 2002.
- Ada Pateli.
A domain area report on
business models.
Technical Report WHP-2002-002, ELTRUN, 2002.
- Kirchinger T., Dusener M.,
and Fouskas K.
Analysis of consumer behavior on m-commerce services.
Technical report, Athens University of Economics and Business Research Centre,
Working Papers
Completed Projects
New Projects
New Members