ISTLab Yearly Report — 2007
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- Giaglis G.M., Moustefaoui
S., and Maamar Z.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Ubiquitous
-, Madeira, Portugal, 2007.
- V.S. Zeimpekis, G.M.
Giaglis, C.D. Tarantilis, and I. Minis.
Dynamic Fleet Management: Concepts, Systems, Algorithms, and Case
Springer, Berlin, 2007.
Journal Articles
- Poulymenakou A. Nikas A.
and Kriaris P.
Investigating antecedents and drivers affecting the adoption of collaboration
technologies in the construction industry.
Journal of Automation in Construction, 2007.
- Poulymenakou A. and Borotis
for 2007.
ACM eLearn Magazine, 2007.
- M. Bina and G.M.
Perceived value, usage patterns, and user experiences with mobile data
services: a cross-cultural study.
Electronic Markets, 17(4):241–252, 2007.
- K. Diamanti, L. Ioannou, N. Pouloudi, and D. Baglee.
Supportive mechanisms for effective change management.
International Journal of Information Systems and Change
Management, Vol.2(4):307–333, 2007.
- D. Drossos, G. M.
Giaglis, G. Lekakos, F. Kokkinaki, and M. Stavraki.
Determinants of
effective sms advertising: An experimental study.
Journal of Interactive Advertising, 7(2), 2007.
- D. Drossos, G.M.
Giaglis, G. Lekakos, F. Kokkinaki, and M Stavraki.
Determinants of effective sms advertising: An experimental study.
Journal of Interactive Advertising, 7(2), 2007.
- P. Kourouthanassis, G. M. Giaglis, and A. Vrehopoulos.
Enhancing the user experience with pervasive information systems: The case of
pervasive retail.
International Journal of Information Management, 2007.
- G. Lekakos and
G.M. Giaglis.
A hybrid approach for improving predictive accuracy of collaborative filtering
User Modeling and User- Adapted Interaction, 17(1-2):5–40,
- G. Lekakos and
G.M. Giaglis.
A hybrid approach for improving the predictive accuracy of collaborative
filtering algorithms.
User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction, 2007.
- A.G. Pateli and
G.M. Giaglis.
Governance contingencies for strategic technology alliances: A case in mobile
International Journal of Technology Management, 40(4):310–329,
- Diomidis Spinellis,
Panagiotis Zaharias, and Adam Vrechopoulos.
with plagiarism and grading load: Randomized programming assignments and
reflective grading.
Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 15(2):113–123,
- V. Zeimpekis, G.M.
Giaglis, A. Tatarakis, and I Minis.
Towards a dynamic real-time vehicle management system for urban distribution.
International Journal of Integrated Supply Management,
3(3):228–243, 2007.
- V. Zeimpekis,
A. Tatarakis, G.M. Giaglis, and I. Minis.
Towards a dynamic real-time vehicle management system for urban distribution.
International Journal of Integrated Supply Chain Management, 2007.
Book Chapters
- G.M.
Giaglis and P. Kourouthanassis.
Towards pervasiveness: Four eras of information systems development.
In P. Kourouthanassis and G. M. Giaglis, editors, Pervasive Information
Systems. Under the Advances in Management Information Systems Series.
M. E. Sharpe Inc., 2007.
- Eirini
Open source software basics: An overview of a revolutionary research context.
In Lytras M. and Naeve A., editors, Open source for knowledge and
learning management : strategies beyond tools. Idea Group Publishing,
- Borotis S. Zaharias P.
and Poulymenakou A.
Critical success factors for e-learning adoption and sustainability: A holistic
In T. Kidd, editor, Handbook of Research on Instructional Systems and
Technology. Idea Group Inc, New York, 2007.
- A. Pateli and
G.M Giaglis.
An interdisciplinary research framework to investigate electronic business
In A.J. Salazar and S. Sawyer, editors, Handbook of Information
Technology in Organizations and Electronic Markets. World Scientific,
Hackensack, NJ., 2007.
- E. Prasopoulou, Pouloudi N., and E. Kalliamvakou.
Imposing order on the greek taxation system: The case of taxis.
In Josef Makolm and Gerti Orthofer, editors, E Taxation: State &
Perspectives. E-Government in the field of Taxation: Scientific Basis,
Implementation Strategies, Good Practice Examples. Trauner Verlag,
Schriftenreihe Informatik, Linz, 2007.
- V. Zeimpekis,
P. Kourouthanassis, and G.M Giaglis.
Mobile and wireless positioning technologies.
In P. Bellavista, editor, Telecommunications Technologies, Systems and
Services, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. EOLSS Publishers,
Oxford ,UK, 2007.
Conference Publications
- M. Bina, D.C. Karaiskos,
and G.M. Giaglis.
Investigating factors affecting actual usage patterns of mobile data services.
In Proceedings of the 2007 Los Angeles Global Mobility Roundtable,
June 1-2 2007.
- M. Bina, D.C. Karaiskos,
and G.M. Giaglis.
Motives and barriers affecting the use of mobile data services.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile
Business, July 9-11 2007.
- A. Poulymenakou C. Avgerou, A. Ganzaroli and N. Reinhard.
ICT and citizens' trust in government: Lessons from electronic voting in
In Proceedings of the IFIP WG 9.4. International Conference on Social
Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, May 2007.
- D. Drossos, G.M.
Giaglis, and G. Lekakos.
An empirical assesment of factors that influence the effectiveness of sms
In Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS), January 3-6 2007.
- D.C Karaiskos, P.E.
Kourouthanassis, and G.M. Giaglis.
User acceptance of pervasive information systems: Evaluating an rfid ticketing
In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems
(ECIS), June 7-9 2007.
- E. Lawrence, M. Bina,
G. Culjak, and T. El-Kiki.
Wireless communities: Public assets for 21st century society.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information
Technology: New Generations, April 2-4 2007.
- N. Pouloudi and E. Kalliamvakou.
A qualitative evaluation of a cross-border identity management system to
support public administration: Insights and lessons learned.
In I. Benbasat, M. Limayem, D. Te'eni, G. Jacucci, and E. Monod, editors,
Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems - MCIS 2007, 4-7
October 2007.
- K. Pramatari,
L. Kioses, and K. Fouskas.
Adoption of electronic supply chain collaboration services: the effect of
collaboration climate and the role of perceptions of e-marketplace
participation impact.
In Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information
Systems, September 25-27 2007.
- E. Prasopoulou and N. Pouloudi.
E-government services adoption strategies: the case of taxis.
In 4th Student Conference of Management Science and Technology - Social
Corporate Responsibility, May 2007.
In greek.
- Borotis S. and Poulymenakou
Examining employees' acceptance of e-learning: and application of the theory of
planned behavior.
In 6th IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education - WBE
2007, 14-16 March 2007.
- A.T. Tsiaousis
and G.M. Giaglis.
Mobile usability evaluation: Studying ad hoc mobile context.
In International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and
Systems (MOBILITY CONFERENCE 2007), September 12-14 2007.
- Zeimpekis V., Giaglis G.M.,
and Minis I.
Development and evaluation of an intelligent fleet management system for city
In Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS), January 7-10 2007.
Working Papers
- Nikas A. and Poulymenakou
Technology adaptation.
Journal of e-Collaboration (under 2nd round of review), 2007.
- Zaharias P.
Developing a usability evaluation technique for e-learning applications: beyond
functional usability.
Submitted to International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 2007.
- Zaharias P.
Towards a usability evaluation framework for e-learning: Employing motivation
to learn and usability parameters.
Submitted to International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2007.
- Zaharias P and Poulymenakou
Design factors of e-learning systems and intrinsic motivation to learn: An
empirical examination.
Submitted to Information & Management, 2007.
- P Zaharias.
Identifying usability dimensions of asynchronous e-learning applications.
To be submitted to Journal of Usability Studies, 2007.
Completed Projects
New Projects
Completed PhDs