Funding programme: Article 6 Innovative Measures
Funding Agency: European Social Fund
Project type: RTD
Web site: http://speks.zenon.gr/
Starting date: 1 December 2004
Ending date: 28 February 2007
Total budget: 3,297,328 EUR
Scientific coordinator: Dr. Nancy Pouloudi
Project Manager: Dr. Korina Diamanti
Contact: Dr. Korina Diamanti
Groups: IRIS
SPEKs project consists of two main elements:
a) The study and the development of innovative management systems and supportive IT tools for an overall approach on Change Management. The basic characteristic of these systems will be their anthropocentric character. The human factor in these approaches is considered as the key point of the expected success.
b) The establishment of an observatory for management of change. Social partners in collaboration with technology and systems providers will create 'one-stop shop' for businesses providing a blend of valuable information. Social partners will also create, a permanent informal social dialogue mechanism dealing with legal framework and rules about employment, sectoral and regional development.