Tracer Factory - Improvement and standardization of the Traceability Information System

Funding programme: Development of Industrial Research and Technology(PAVET)
Funding Agency: General Secretariat of Research and Technology
Project type: RTD
Starting date: 1 June 2006
Ending date: 31 December 2007

Scientific coordinator: Dr. George Giaglis
Project Manager: Dr. Dimitrios Karaiskos
Contact: Dr. Dimitrios Karaiskos
Groups: WRC


The objective of the current project is to implement an innovative information system (named Tracer Factory) that would support traceability in the food sector. Actions towards implementing Tracer Factory are:
  • Desk research upon the best practises implemented world wide regarding traceability information systems along with legal issues and legislations affecting food safety
  • Interviews on numerous sectors of the Greek food industry in order to capture the specific attributes and ensure their embodiment in Tracer Factory
  • Analysis, design and implementation of Tracer Factory
  • Testing and evaluation of Tracer Factory in real conditions
  • Diffusion and business plan of Tracer Factory under the scopus of the Greek market


  • Theodorou Automations (GR)

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