ISTLab Yearly Report — 2005
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- G.M. Giaglis.
Mobile Business.
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005.
Journal Articles
- Adamantia D. Pateli,
George M. Giaglis, and Diomidis D. Spinellis.
Wireless value-added services in exhibition shows.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 4(2):193–209,
- Papargyris A. and
Poulymenakou A.
to fly in persistent digital worlds: The case of massively multiplayer online
role playing games.
ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, 25(1):41–49, 2005.
- Drossos D. and Giaglis G.
Factors that influence the effectiveness of mobile advertising: The case of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005.
- Fouskas K. and
D. Drosos.
The role of industry perceptions in competitive responses.
Industrial Management and Data Systems, 2005.
- M. Lytras, A. Naeve, and A. Pouloudi.
Knowledge management as a reference theory for e-learning: A conceptual and
technological perspective.
Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol.3(2):66–73, 2005.
- M. Lytras, A. Naeve, and A. Pouloudi.
A knowledge management roadmap for e-learning: The way ahead.
Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol.3(2):1–11, 2005.
Book Chapters
- Samiotis K., Papargyris
A., Poulymenakou A., Zaharias P., and G.M. Giaglis.
Knowledge processes embedded in task structures: Design of a technical and
organizational solution.
In G. Kouzelis, M. Pournari, M. Stoppler, and V. Tselfes, editors,
Telecommunications Technologies, Systems and Services, Encyclopedia of
Life Support Systems, pages 113–124. Peter Lang, Frakfurt am Main,
- Samiotis K., Papargyris
A., Poulymenakou A., Zaharias P., and Giaglis G.M.
Knowledge processes embedded in task structures: Design of a technical and
organizational solution.
In Kouzelis G. Pournari M. Stoppler M. and Tselfes V., editors, Knowledge
in the New Technologies, pages 113–124. Peter Lang, Frakfurt am Main,
- P. Kourouthanassis and G.M. Giaglis.
Shopping in the 21st century: Embedding technology in the retail arena.
In G.J. Doukidis and A.P. Vrehopoulos, editors, Consumer Driven
Electronic Transformation: Applying New Technologies to Enthuse Consumers and
Transform the Supply Chain, pages 227–240. Springer, Berlin, 2005.
- P. Kourouthanassis and G.M. Giaglis.
Shopping in the 21st century: Embedding technology in the retail arena.
In G.J Doukidis and A. Vrechopoulos, editors, Consumer-Driven Electronic
Transformation: Apply New Technologies to Enthuse Consumers, pages
227–240. Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- G. Lekakos and
G.M. Giaglis.
Personalization of advertisements in the digital tv context.
In S. Chen and S. Magoulas, editors, Adaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia
Systems, pages 264–283. Idea Group Publishing, 2005.
- Zaharias P.
E-learning design quality: A holistic conceptual framework.
In Howard et al, editor, Encyclopaedia of Distance Learning. Idea
Group Inc, New York, 2005.
- K. Pramataris,
G. Doukidis, and P. Kourouthanassis.
Towards smarter supply and demand chain collaboration practices enabled by rfid
In G.J Doukidis and A. Vrechopoulos, editors, Consumer-Driven Electronic
Transformation: Apply New Technologies to Enthuse Consumers, pages
242–256. Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- V. Zeimpekis
and G.M. Giaglis.
A dynamic real-time vehicle routing system for adressing distribution
In G.J Doukidis and A. Vrechopoulos, editors, Consumer-Driven Electronic
Transformation: Apply New Technologies to Enthuse Consumers, pages
23–38. Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- V. Zeimpekis
and G.M. Giaglis.
A dynamic real-time vehicle routing system for distribution operations.
In G.J. Doukidis and A.P. Vrehopoulos, editors, Consumer Driven
Electronic Transformation: Applying New Technologies to Enthuse Consumers and
Transform the Supply Chain, pages 23–38. Springer, Berlin, 2005.
Conference Publications
- Nikas A. and Poulymenakou
Delineating collaboration intensity dimensions in ICT enabled project teams.
In Academy of Management annual meeting, August 2007 2005.
- Nikas A. and Poulymenakou
Impacts of web-based collaboration in managerial control and work practices:
The case of introducing a web-based collaboration platform in a construction
In International Resources Management Association, 15-18 May
- Papargyris A. and
Poulymenakou A.
Exploring conceptions of context in persistent virtual environments - social
construction and the negotiation of meaning.
In The Virtual - a room without borders?, September 15-16 2005.
- Papargyris A. and
Poulymenakou A.
Learning and communities of practice: An empirical study.
In 2nd Student Scientific Symposium of Management Science and
Technology, May 2005.
- Papargyris A. and
Poulymenakou A.
Learning in virtual community contexts: Communities and practices in massively
multiplayer online role playing games.
In ALP_IS'05, February 2005 2005.
- Poulymenakou A. Moraiti
A. and Bisbiki E.
When instruction meets design: embedding instructional theory elements into
In Workshop 'eLearning and Human-Computer Interaction: Exploring Design
Synergies for more Effective Learning Experiences' (In conjunction with the
10th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction -
Interact 2005, 12-16 September 2005.
- Poulymenakou A. Moraiti
A. and Bisbiki E.
When instruction meets interface design: A framework for asynchronous elearning
interface design guideline.
In Third International Conference on Open and Distance Learning
'Applications of Pedagogy and Technology', November 11-13 2005.
- M. Bina and G.M.
Exploring early usage patterns of mobile data services.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobile
Business, July 11-13 2005.
- S.A. Borotis, A.K.
Poulymenakou, and V.A. Karamanis.
Embedding elearning in corporate training: Lessons from a case study.
In 4th IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education - WBE
2005, February 2005.
- Drossos D. and Giaglis
Measuring mobile advertising effectiveness.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Student Conference on Management Science and
Technology, May 18 2005.
- K. Diamanti and N. Pouloudi.
Benchmarking in network organizations.
In P.H. Ketikidis and L.S.C. Koh, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd
International Workshop on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems
(SCMIS 2005), pages 194–206, 6-8 July 2005.
- K. Diamanti and N. Pouloudi.
Virtual benchmarking and global networking.
In A. Sohal and R. Cooney, editors, Proceedings of the 7th International
Research Conference on Quality, Innovation, and Knowledge Management (CD ROM
Proceedings), pages 159–167, 16-18 February 2005.
- D. Drossos and G.M
Factors that influence the effectiveness of mobile advertising: The case of
In Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics,
November 11-13 2005.
- D. Drossos, G. Marias,
and D. Gouscos.
M-gov: A proposed architecture for mobile government transactions.
In Proceedings of the 1st Euro Conference on Mobile Government,
July 10-12 2005.
- E. Kalliamvakou, E. Prasopoulou, and N. Pouloudi.
Identity management architectures: Arguing for a socio-technical perspective.
In G. Collste, S.O. Hansson, S. Rogerson, and T.W. Bynum, editors,
Proceedings of the Eighth ETHICOMP International Conference on the
Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies: The
ETHICOMP Decade 1995-2005. (CD-ROM Proceedings), 12-15 September
- V.A. Karamanis,
A.K. Poulymenakou, and S.A. Borotis.
Empowering workplace elearning program design: the key role of training needs
In Proceedings of HCI International 2005, July 2005.
- N. Lampropoulos, S. Michalakos, A. Anagnostopoulos, and
N. Pouloudi.
Enabling the exploitation of tacit knowledge: open issues and opportunities.
In G. Collste, S.O. Hansson, S. Rogerson, and T.W. Bynum, editors,
Proceedings of the Eighth ETHICOMP International Conference on the
Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies: The
ETHICOMP Decade 1995-2005. (CD-ROM Proceedings), 12-15 September
- Adamantia G. Pateli,
George M. Giaglis, and Diomidis D. Spinellis.
evaluation of wireless info-communication and indoor location-based services
in exhibition shows.
In Panagiotis Bozanis and Elias N. Houstis, editors, Advances in
Informatics: 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2005,
pages 199–210. Springer-Verlag, November 2005.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3746.
- A. Poulymenakou and S.A. Borotis.
of enterprise resource planning systems in greece.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3746, pages 559–570,
October 2005.
- E. Prasopoulou and A. Pouloudi.
Balancing standardization with organizational indeterminacy: The use of IT in
In D. R. Vogel, P. Walden, J. Gricar, and G. Lenart, editors, Proceedings
of the 18th Bled eConference on eIntegration in Action. (CD-ROM
Proceedings), 6-8 June 2005.
- K. Samiotis
and A. Poulymenakou.
Adopting knowledge management: How managers perceive its intervention
In 6th European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and
Capabilities (OKLC'05), March 2005.
- Vasileios Vlachos,
Vassiliki Vouzi, Damianos Chatziantoniou, and Diomidis Spinellis.
— network graphs for computer epidemiologists.
In Panagiotis Bozanis and Elias N. Houstis, editors, Advances in
Informatics: 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2005,
pages 672–683. Springer-Verlag, November 2005.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3746.
- V. Zeimpekis, G.M.
Giaglis, and I. Minis.
A dynamic real-time fleet management system for incident handling in city
In Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
May 30th-June 1st 2005.
- V. Zeimpekis,
K. Mamassis, T Damianidis, and A. Mavros.
A real-time vehicle management system for urban distributions based on
time-dependent information.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop in Supply Chain
Management and Information Systems (SCMIS 2005), July 6-8 2005.
- V. Zeimpekis,
K. Mamassis, G.M. Giaglis, I. Minis, and A. Mavros.
Real-time fleet management for urban freight distributions.
In Proceedings of the 9th National Congress on Logistics (Logistics
2005), November 25 2005.
Completed Projects
New Projects
New Members