ISTLab Yearly Report — 2004
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- T.W. Bynum, N. Pouloudi, S. Rogerson, and T. Spyrou,
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference ETHICOMP 2004:
Challenges for the Citizen of the Information Society, volume 1-2.
University of the Aegean., Syros, Greece, 2004.
- G.M. Giaglis.
Mobile and Wireless Business: Technologies, Applications, and Case
Studies (in Greek).
Sideris Publications, 2004.
Journal Articles
- G.M. Giaglis.
Critical success factors and business models for mobile and wireless
International Journal of Management and Decision Making,
6(1):1–4, 2005.
- G.M. Giaglis,
I. Minis, A. Tatarakis, and V. Zeimpekis.
Minimizing logistics risk through real-time vehicle routing and mobile
technologies: research to-date and future trends.
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management -
Special Issue on Risk and Uncertainty in Logistics, 39(4):749–764,
- Zaharias P.
and e-learning: The road towards integration.
ACM eLearn Magazine, 2004.
- A. Poulymenakou and E. Prasopoulou.
Adopting a lifecycle perspective to explain the transition from technological
innovation to alliance management.
Management Decision, 42(9):1115–1130, 2004.
Book Chapters
- G.M. Giaglis.
Mobile location services.
In E. Khosrow-Pour, editor, Encyclopedia of Information Science and
Technology, pages 1973–1977. Idea Group Publishing, 2004.
- S. Klein,
A. Poulymenakou, K. Riemer, D. Papakiriakopoulos, M. Gogolin, and A. Nikas.
Iois and interfirm networks interdependencies and managerial challenges.
In Sean Eom, editor, Inter-Organizational Information Systems in the
Internet Age. Idea Group Publishing, London UK, 2004.
- K. Pramataris,
G. Doukidis, and P. Kourouthanassis.
Towards smarter supply and demand chain collaboration practices enabled by rfid
In P. Vervest, E. Van Heck, K. Preiss, and L.F. Pau, editors, Smart
Business Networks, pages 197–208. Springer-Verlag, 2004.
Conference Publications
- Papargyris A. and
Poulymenakou A.
Learning opportunities in massively multiplayer online role playing games
player communities.
In CHI 04 Workshop: Social Learning Through Gaming, April 2004.
- S.A. Borotis
and A. Poulymenakou.
readiness components: Key issues to consider before adopting e-learning
In E-Learn 2004, pages 1622–1629, November 2004.
- D. Drossos and
G.M. Giaglis.
Towards a classification framework of factors influencing mobile messaging
advertising effectiveness.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mobile
Business, July 11-12 2004.
- D. Drossos, M. Bina,
K. Manikas, T. Manolatos, and G.M. Giaglis.
Wlans in athletics: An empirical investigation into user perceptions and system
architecture critical components.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Econometrics of
Sports, September 10th 2004.
- D. Drossos, E. Tzitzi,
and G.M. Giaglis.
Mobile youth: a socio-cultural perspective.
In Proceedings of the 1st Student Conference on Management Science and
Technology, March 17 2004.
- G.M. Giaglis and
M. Bina.
Framing a research agenda for ad hoc community-based wireless local area
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mobile
Business, July 11-12 2004.
- V. Karamanis,
P. Zaharias, and A. Poulymenakou.
Instructional strategy for designing e-learning courses for adult learners.
In EDMEDIA 2004, June 2004.
- P. Kourouthanassis, V. Zeimpekis, and G.M. Giaglis.
Providing supply chain with intelligence: Current status and future trends of
rfid technology acceptance in the greek market.
In Proceedings of the 8th National Congress on Logistics, Logistics
2004, November 26-27 2004.
- Ada Pateli, Diomidis
Spinellis, and Giorgos Giaglis.
info-communication and navigation services in exhibition shows.
In Mel Horwitch, editor, Third International Conference on Mobile
Business (ICMB): mBusiness 2004, July 2004.
- K. Pramatari, G.J.
Doukidis, and P. Kourouthanassis.
Towards smarter supply and demand-chain collaboration practices enabled by rfid
In Proceedings of the Smart Business Networks Scientific Workshop,
May 26-28 2004.
- E. Prasopoulou, N. Panteli, and N. Pouloudi.
Social accessibility and the mobile phone: A temporal perspective.
In T. W. Bynum, N. Pouloudi, S. Rogerson, and T. Spyrou, editors,
Proceedings of the seventh international conference Ethicomp 2004:
Challenges for the Citizen of the Information Society, volume II,
pages 773–784. University of the Aegean, 2004.
- Angeliki Tsilira,
Adamantia Pateli, Erast Athanasiadis, and Diomidis Spinellis.
messages in indoor mobile environment: A software-oriented approach.
In M. H. Hamza, editor, Proceedings of the IASTED International
Conference on Software Engineering, pages 734–739. IASTED, ACTA
Press, February 2004.
- P. Vlachos,
A. Vrechopoulos, and G.M. Giaglis.
Exploring facets of perceived service quality in mobile internet services
(mobis): A structural equation approach.
In EURO XX 20th European Conference on Operational Research: OR and the
Management of Electronic Services, July 4-7 2004.
- P. Vlachos,
A. Vrechopoulos, and G.M. Giaglis.
Mobile internet services usage patterns: Evidence from the emerging hellenic
In EURO XX 20th European Conference on Operational Research: OR and the
Management of Electronic Services, July 4-7 2004.
- P. Zaharias,
K. Vassilopoulou, and A. Poulymenakou.
Designing affective-oriented e-learning courses: An empirical study exploring
quantitative relations between usability attributes and motivation to learn.
In EDMEDIA 2004, June 2004.
- Vassilopoulou K. Zaharias P. and A. Poulymenakou.
affective-oriented e-learning courses: An empirical study exploring
quantitative relations between usability attributes and motivation to
In Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2004. AACE, June 2004.
- V. Zeimpekis
and G.M. Giaglis.
Mobile real-time services for city logistics: An empirical investigation into
user perception and requirements.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mobile
Business, July 11-12 2004.
- V. Zeimpekis
and G.M. Giaglis.
The use of wireless systems for real-time vehicle re-routing.
In Proceedings of the 1st Student Conference on Management Science and
Technology, March 17 2004.
- V. Zeimpekis, G.M.
Giaglis, and A. Tatarakis.
A systemic approach to real-time vehicle rerouting for urban distributions.
In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Operation
Research, 2004.
Working Papers
- M. Bina
and G.M. Giaglis.
A game theoretic
approach to community wlans research.
WP 2004-008, Eltrun Working Paper Series, 2004.
- D. Drosos and G.M. Giaglis.
influencing mobile messaging advertising effectiveness.
WP 2004-009, Eltrun Working Paper Series, 2004.
- A. Papargyris and Poulymenakou A.
Acting and
learning in virtual communities: The case of massively multiplayer online
role playing games.
WP 2004-004, Eltrun Working Paper Series, 2004.
- A. Pouloudi,
R. Gandecha, A. Papazafeiropoulou, and C. Atkinson.
stakeholder analysis can assist actor-network theory to understand actors: A
case study of the integrated care record service (icrs) in the uk national
health service.
WP 2004-002, Eltrun Working Paper Series, 2004.
- E. Prasopoulou, N. Panteli, and N. Pouloudi.
accessibility and the mobile phone: A temporal perspective.
WP 2004-003, Eltrun Working Paper Series, 2004.
- X. Ziouvelou,
I. Sideris, and N. Pouloudi.
management: Implementation success criteria.
WP 2004-001, Eltrun Working Paper Series, 2004.
Completed Projects
New Projects
New Members
Completed PhDs