ISTLab Yearly Report — 2003
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- G.J. Doukidis, N. Mylonopoulos, and A Pouloudi, editors.
Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era.
IDEA Group Publishing, Hersey, 2003.
- G.M. Giaglis,
H. Werthner, V. Tschammer, and K.A. Froeschl, editors.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mobile
Austrian Computer Society, 2003.
- M. Korpela,
R. Montealegre, and A. Poulymenakou, editors.
Organizational Information Systems in the Context of
Globalization, volume 126 of International Federation for
Information Processing.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 2003.
- G. Roussos, A. Gershman,
and P. Kourouthanassis, editors.
Ubiquitous Commerce.
Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2003.
Journal Articles
- Poulymenakou A. and
Tsironis L.
and electronic commerce: a partnership for growth.
The TQM Magazine, 15(3):137–151, 2003.
- G.M. Giaglis,
V. Zeimpekis, and G. Lekakos.
A taxonomy of indoor and outdoor positioning techniques for mobile location
ACM SIGECOM Exchanges, 3(4):19–27, 2003.
- Pramataris K.,
Papakiriakopoulos D., Poulymenakou A., and G. Doukidis.
New forms of
ECR Journal, 2(2):38–43, 2003.
- Samiotis K.,
Poulymenakou A., and Doukidis G.
Understanding knowledge management interventions: Evidence from supporting
(e-)banking activities.
Knowledge and Process Management: Journal of Corporate
Transformation, 10(3), July/September 2003.
Special Issue: Knowledge Management Systems: Technological and Organizational
- P. Kavassalis,
N. Spyropoulou, D. Drossos, V. Mitrokostas, G. Gikas, and A. Hatzistamatiou.
Mobile permission marketing - framing the market inquiry.
International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8(1):55, 2003.
- Miltiadis D. Lytras and Nancy Pouloudi.
Project management as a knowledge management primer: The learning
infrastructure in knowledge intensive organizations. projects as knowledge
transformations and beyond.
Learning Organization Journal, Vol.10(4):237–250, 2003.
- Zaharias P. and
Poulymenakou A.
Identifying training needs for ict skills enhancement in south-eastern europe:
Implications for designing web-based training courses.
Educational Technology and Society, 6(1), 2003.
- N. Pouloudi, K. Vassilopoulou, and P. Ziouvelou.
A societal perspective on e-business adoption.
Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society,
Vol.1(3):149–165, 2003.
- G. Roussos and P. Kourouthanassis.
Developing consumer-friendly pervasive retail systems.
IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2(2):32–39, 2003.
- G. Roussos,
P. Kourouthanassis, and T. Moussouri.
Appliance design for mobile commerce and retailtainment.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 7(3-4):203–209, 2003.
- A. Vrechopoulos,
I. Constantiou, N. Mylonopoulos, I. Sideris, and G. Doukidis.
critical role of consumer behavior research in mobile commerce.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 1(3):329–340,
Book Chapters
- G.M. Giaglis.
Directions and trends in knowledge management research: Results from an
empirical analysis of european projects.
In V. Hlupic, editor, Knowledge and Business Process Management,
pages 1–15. Idea Group Publishing, 2003.
- A. Nikas and
A. Poulymenakou.
Networked business organisations: an actionable research framework.
In G. Doukidis, N. Mylonopoulos, and N. Pouloudi, editors, Social and
Economic Transformation in the Digital Era. Idea Group Publishing,
London UK, 2003.
ISBN 1591402670.
- A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi.
Social issues in electronic commerce: Implications for policy markers [reprint
of the information resources management journal paper].
In M. Khosrow-Pour, editor, Advanced Topics in Information Resources
Management, pages 173–191. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing., 2003.
- A. Pouloudi, V. Hlupic, and G. Rzevski.
Intelligent agents for knowledge management in e-commerce: opportunities and
In V. Hlupic, editor, Knowledge and Business Process Management,
pages 51–67. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing, 2003.
Conference Publications
- Nikas A.
Network information infrastructures in the construction industry: Introducing
web-based collaborative technologies in distributed organisational settings.
In Doctoral Consortium of the European Conference of Information Systems
(ECIS), 16-18 June 2003.
- Papargyris A. and
Poulymenakou A.
Evolving knowledge: An
exploration of affinities between knowledge management and communities of
In Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Knowledge Management,
September 2003.
- G.M. Giaglis, I. Minis,
A. Tatarakis, and V. Zeimpekis.
Real-time decision support systems in urban distributions: Opportunities
afforded by mobile and wireless technologies.
In 3rd International ECR Research Symposium, 2003.
- E.A. Gryazin, J.O.
Tuominen, and P. Kourouthanassis.
Distributed information systems development for consumer market.
In The scientific and technical conference: Methods and means of
information processing, October 2003.
- Zaharias P. Vassilopoulou
K. and Poulymenakou A.
Network information infrastructures in the construction industry: Introducing
web-based collaborative technologies in distributed organisational settings.
In ED-MEDIA 2004: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia
and Telecommunications, 21-26 June 2003.
- P. Kourouthanassis and G. Roussos.
Developing the user experience in ubiquitous commerce.
In International Conference of Ubiquitous Computing, pages 20–23,
- M.D.
Lytras, A. Pouloudi, and N. Korfiatis.
An ontological oriented approach on e-learning. integrating semantics for
adaptive e-learning systems.
In C. Ciborra et al., editor, New Paradigms in Organizations, Markets and
Society. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems
(ECIS 2003), 2003.
- A. Papazafeiropoulou and Pouloudi A.
Applying the normative aspect of stakeholder analysis to electronic commerce
policy making: Stakeholder considerations for the elimination of the digital
In Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems
Sciences (HICSS-36), IEEE Computer, 2003.
- A. Papazafeiropoulou and Pouloudi A.
Electronic commerce policy making towards the elimination of the digital
divide: insights from the developing region of south eastern europe.
In American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2003),
- A. Pateli and G.M
A framework for understanding and analysing e-business models.
In 16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference - eTransformation,
June 2003.
- A. Pateli and G.M
A methodology for business model evolution: Application in the mobile
exhibition industry.
In G.M. Giaglis, H. Werthner, V. Tchammer, and K.A Froeschl, editors,
Second International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), pages
87–102, June 2003.
- A. Poulymenakou and E. Prasopoulou.
A network life cycle perspective on managing an inter-organizational network.
In eChallenges e2003, October 22-24 2003.
- E. Prasopoulou and A. Pouloudi.
Adopting technological solutions in an alliance setting: The case of global
emanagement mba.
In IFIP WG 8.2 WG 9.4: IS Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of
Globalization, June 15-17 2003.
In progress paper.
- E. Rodina, V. Zeimpekis,
and K. Fouskas.
Remote workforce business process integration through real-time mobile
In G.M. Giaglis, H. Werthner, V. Tchammer, and K.A Froeschl, editors,
Second International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), June
2003 2003.
- E. Rodina,
V. Zeimpekis, and K. Fouskas.
Remote workforce business process integration through real-time mobile
In G.M. Giaglis, H. Werthner, V. Tchammer, and K.A Froeschl, editors,
Second International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), June
- G. Roussos,
P. Kourouthanassis, and T. Moussouri.
Appliance design for mobile commerce and retailtainment.
In First Appliances Design Conference, pages 99–102, 2003.
- George Roussos, Panos
Kourouthanasis, Diomidis Spinellis, Eugene Gryazin, Mike Pryzbliski, George
Kalpogiannis, and George Giaglis.
architecture for pervasive retail.
In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 631–636, New York,
March 2003. ACM, ACM Press.
- K. Samiotis
and A. Poulymenakou.
Debriefing knowledge management interventions: The role of technological design
and organisational fit.
In Research-in-Progress Papers, IFIP (WG 8.2 and WG 9.4) - IS
Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalisation, June
- Karamanis V., P. Zaharias,
and A. Poulymenakou.
Developing the new web-based training environments: Towards an
instructional-based learning object strategy.
In PCI 2003: 9th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics, November
- K. Vassilopoulou, X. Ziouvelou, A. Pateli, and A Pouloudi.
e-business models: applying a holistic approach in the mobile
In C. et al. Ciborra, editor, New Paradigms in Organizations, Markets and
Society. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems
(ECIS 2003), June 16-21 2003.
- K. Vassilopoulou, X. Ziouvelou, A. Pateli, and
N. Pouloudi.
e-business models: Applying a holistic approach in the mobile
In New Paradigms in Organizations, Markets and Society. Proceedings of
the 11th European Conference on Information systems (ECIS), June
- P. Zaharias
and A. Poulymenakou.
Implementing the learner-centered design paradigm for web-based training
In ETRAIN2003: E-Training Practices for Professional
Organisations, July 2003.
White Papers
- Pitsillides,
Valeri, Fouskas, and Giaglis.
mbusiness application and services research challenges.
Technical report, Athens University of Economics and Business Research Centre,
Working Papers
- S. Hossain,
A. Pouloudi, G. Magoulas, and M. Grigoriadou.
adoption in british and greek secondary education: Issues and
WP 2003-001, Eltrun Working Paper Series, 2003.
- A. Nikas.
information infrastructures in the construction industry: Emergence and
impact on workand management arrangements.
WP 2003-003, Eltrun Working Paper Series, 2003.
- N. Pouloudi and E.A. Whitley.
Interpretive stakeholder
analysis (isa): unveiling the complexity of an interorganizational healthcare
network in the british healthcare environment.
Working Paper No. 128, Department of Information Systems, London School of
Economics & Political Science, UK, 2003.
- Angeliki Poulymenakou and E. Prasopoulou.
Using a
network management agenda to shape the management agenda of a organizational
network under development.
WP 2003-004, Eltrun Working Paper Series, 2003.
- K. Vassilopoulou, A. Pateli, and A. Pouloudi.
e-business models: Applying a holistic approach in the mobile
WP 2003-006, Eltrun Working Paper Series, 2003.
Completed Projects
New Projects
New Members