Hackathon SAP University Alliances, InnoJam++ @ CeBIT 2016 presented by SAP and Volkswagen (March 2016)
14-17 March 2016, Hanover, Germany
SAP hackathons are a 30 hours hands-on experience using SAP's coolest and newest technologies supported by SAP domain experts and branch experts. Students learn about innovative SAP technologies, collaborate and co-innovate with fellow students. They expand their network by meeting other participants from dozens of countries. They get a crash course in Design Thinking and apply their knowledge by developing prototypes of solutions to real business cases e.g. relevant for the automotive branch and compete to win awesome prizes.
On March 14-17, 2016, 83 students from 25 countries including four graduate students of MSc in Management Science and Technology and one undergraduate student of the Department of Management Science and Technology faced exciting challenges all around mobility of the future and Internet of Things. They competed in programming and developing prototypes for the mobility of the using SAP technology, supported by SAP domain experts and Volkswagen experts. Greek students participated in teams who designed, implemented and presented the following innovative features in the areas Internet of Things and Mobility of the Future:
Smart Repair Service - An independent driver who knows his/her car problem with a click and has the ability to fix it on his/her own
Group members
Elena Veli - MSc in Management Science and Technology (group leader)
Haythem Khiri - Higher Institute of Computer Science of Ariana, Tunisia (undergraduate)
Lukas Windhofer - University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, Austria (undergraduate)
Daniel Linkman - Dresden University of Technology, Gernamy (postgraduate)
Stop Time – an application for driverless cars
Group members
Athanasios-Georgios (Akis) Athanasiadis- MSc in Management Science and Technology (group leader)
Nikiforos Botis – Department of Management Science and Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business (undergraduate)
Klara Seitz – Computer Science, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Germany (undergraduate)
Oussama Chabach – Process Engineer, Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées de Tanger, Morocco (undergraduate)
Syed Fatima Alam – Information Systems, Paris ESIEE, France (postgraduate)
ESTIA - Daily Task, Schedule and Navigation Optimizing (extra feature: fuel quality measurements via sensors)
Group members
Ioannis Gkrillas, MSc in Management Science and Technology
Alexander Mulkidzahnyan - WWU Munster University, Germany (undergraduate)
Philip Lukert - Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany (undergraduate)
Matej Stumberger - Economics and Business University of Maribor, Slovenja (postgraduate)
Olha Dzygman – КНТЕУ, Ukraine (undergraduate)
FleeTech - The right driver, to the right car and for the right task (minimize costs, maximize safety)
Group members
Βασιλαπόστολος Ουρανής - MSc in Management Science and Technology
Arminjola Curaj - Dresden University of Technology, Germany (postgraduate)
Malik Bennabi - Sakarya University, Turkey (undergraduate)
Sagar Sharma - International Taxation and Law, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany (undergraduate)
Wang Zehui - University Mannheim, Germany (postgraduate)
The competition was a great experience for the participants and a full four-day creation, innovation and knowledge.
Ms Elena Veli (student of MSc in Management Science and Technology) and her team participated in the Final Four SAP InnoJam ++ 2016 for Smart Repair Service application.
Greek students were accompanied and supported by Ass.Professor Angeliki Poulymenakou, Scientific Coordinator of SAP UA/UCC for AUEB, and Aggeliki Kostaki, PhD candidate, SAP certified consultant and SAP UA/UCC technical administrator for AUEB.
5th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (2010)
12-14 September 2010, Tel-Aviv-Yaffo, Israel

MCIS 2010 aims to: - Inspire innovative and informative IS research that is relevant to the social, economic, and cultural particularities of the Mediterranean Region - Foster ground breaking IS research to improve the quality of life in the Mediterranean Region through further development of the regional knowledgebase and its emerging collaboration infrastructure - Raise the visibility of IS-related research, education, policy, and practice carried out in the Mediterranean Region
Link:" http://www.www.www.mcis2010.org".
4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (2009)
25-27 September 2009, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

The Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS) aims to: 1. encourage and inspire innovative and informative IS research that is relevant to the social, economic and cultural particularities of the Mediterranean region 2. raise the visibility of IS-related research practice, education and policy carried out in the Med. region 3. bring together researchers, educators, policy makers and practitioners originating from, or working in the region, thus engaging junior and more experienced members of the Mediterranean IS community in a creative dialogue.
The MCIS conference series is held under the auspices of the Association of Information Systems (AIS). The Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and the Department of Management Science and Technology (DMST) are honored to host the MCIS 2009 event in Athens, Greece. Aspiring to set-up an inclusive, high quality IS conference with solid academic and practitioner foundations, the MCIS 2009 organization invites papers, case studies, panels and workshop proposals in a number of areas that are relevant to IS Research, Education, Policy and Practice in the Mediterranean Region.
Link:" http://www.www.mcis2009.org".
Images of Virtuality: Conceptualizations and Applications in Everyday Life
April 23-24, 2009 - Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
An International Workshop of IFIP WG9.5 on "Virtuality and Society"

Following on last year's International Working Conference of IFIP 9.5 Working Group on Virtuality and Society: "Massive Virtual Communities" at Leuphana University, Luneburg, this workshop will focus on conceptualizations and applications of virtuality in everyday life, including socialization, governance, education, entrepreneurship and entertainment.
The main objective of this workshop is to encourage the continuation and enrichment of the discussion on virtuality and society, by focusing more on the technologies, arts, and practices of virtuality as they emerge in spaces and contexts of everyday life. The workshop constitutes an opportunity to bring together theoretical conceptualizations and practical applications of Images of Virtuality manifest in human interaction with information, social, professional and technological systems, art, culture, and nature.