Journal Articles
- Prasopoulou E., A. Pouloudi, and N. Panteli.
Enacting new temporal boundaries: the role of mobile phones.
European Journal of Information Systems, Vol.15(5):277–284,
- A. Poulymenakou and E. Prasopoulou.
Adopting a lifecycle perspective to explain the transition from technological
innovation to alliance management.
Management Decision, 42(9):1115–1130, 2004.
Book Chapters
- E. Prasopoulou, Pouloudi N., and E. Kalliamvakou.
Imposing order on the greek taxation system: The case of taxis.
In Josef Makolm and Gerti Orthofer, editors, E Taxation: State &
Perspectives. E-Government in the field of Taxation: Scientific Basis,
Implementation Strategies, Good Practice Examples. Trauner Verlag,
Schriftenreihe Informatik, Linz, 2007.
- Prasopoulou E. and
Poulymenakou A.
Unraveling the virtual university: the case of emaster postgraduate programme.
In S. Klein and A. Poulymenakou, editors, Organizing principles for
inter-firm networks, pages 283–308. Springer, 2006.
- E. Prasopoulou, A. Poulymenakou, and A. Pouloudi.
Unraveling the virtual university: the case of emaster postgraduate programme.
In S. Klein and A. Poulymenakou, editors, Managing Dynamic
Networks. Springer, 2006.
Conference Publications
- E. Prasopoulou.
The interplay of ICT innovation with state administrative tradition: The case
of the greek taxation information system (taxis).
In Angeliki Poulymenakou, Nancy Pouloudi, and Katerina Pramatari, editors,
MCIS '09: Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on
Information Systems, September 2009.
- E. Prasopoulou and N. Pouloudi.
E-government services adoption strategies: the case of taxis.
In 4th Student Conference of Management Science and Technology - Social
Corporate Responsibility, May 2007.
In greek.
- E. Prasopoulou and N. Pouloudi.
A research protocol for studying organizational affordances for identity
management in europe.
In IST-Africa, 3-5 May 2006.
- E. Kalliamvakou, E. Prasopoulou, and N. Pouloudi.
Identity management architectures: Arguing for a socio-technical perspective.
In G. Collste, S.O. Hansson, S. Rogerson, and T.W. Bynum, editors,
Proceedings of the Eighth ETHICOMP International Conference on the
Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies: The
ETHICOMP Decade 1995-2005. (CD-ROM Proceedings), 12-15 September
- E. Prasopoulou and A. Pouloudi.
Balancing standardization with organizational indeterminacy: The use of IT in
In D. R. Vogel, P. Walden, J. Gricar, and G. Lenart, editors, Proceedings
of the 18th Bled eConference on eIntegration in Action. (CD-ROM
Proceedings), 6-8 June 2005.
- E. Prasopoulou, N. Panteli, and N. Pouloudi.
Social accessibility and the mobile phone: A temporal perspective.
In T. W. Bynum, N. Pouloudi, S. Rogerson, and T. Spyrou, editors,
Proceedings of the seventh international conference Ethicomp 2004:
Challenges for the Citizen of the Information Society, volume II,
pages 773–784. University of the Aegean, 2004.
- A. Poulymenakou and E. Prasopoulou.
A network life cycle perspective on managing an inter-organizational network.
In eChallenges e2003, October 22-24 2003.
- E. Prasopoulou and A. Pouloudi.
Adopting technological solutions in an alliance setting: The case of global
emanagement mba.
In IFIP WG 8.2 WG 9.4: IS Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of
Globalization, June 15-17 2003.
In progress paper.
Working Papers