ISTLab - Information Systems Technology Laboratory


Monographs and Edited Volumes

  • Giaglis G.M. and Zwass V. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Mobile Business / Ninth Global Mobility Roundtable. IEEE Conference Publishing Services, Athens, Greece, 2010.

  • Ilioudi M., Karaiskos D.C., and Lazakidou A. Pervasive Healthcare Services and Technologies for Memory Loss Diseases Support. IGI Global, 2010.

  • G.M. Giaglis. Introduction to Computer Science (in Greek). Giourdas Publications, 2009.

  • G.M. Giaglis. Simulation and Application in Management Science (in Greek). Giourdas Publications, 2009.

  • S. Newell, E.A. Whitley, N. Pouloudi, J. Wareham, and L. Mathiasen, editors. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Universita di Verona, Verona, Italy, 2009.

  • A. Poulymenakou, N. Pouloudi, and K. Pramatari, editors. Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, 2009. CD-ROM Proceedings.

  • D.C. Karaiskos and Kourouthanassis P.E. Determinants of user acceptance for RFID ticketing systems. IDEA, 2008.

  • P.E. Kourouthanassis and G.M. Giaglis. Pervasive Information Systems. M.E. Sharpe, (part of the Advances in Management Information Systems series), Zwass, V. (Editor-in-Chief), 2008.

  • Kouadri Mostefaoui S, Maamar Z., and Giaglis G.M. Advances in Uniquitous Computing: Future Paradigms and Directions. Idea Group Publishing, 2008.

  • Giaglis G.M., Moustefaoui S., and Maamar Z. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing. -, Madeira, Portugal, 2007.

  • V.S. Zeimpekis, G.M. Giaglis, C.D. Tarantilis, and I. Minis. Dynamic Fleet Management: Concepts, Systems, Algorithms, and Case Studies. Springer, Berlin, 2007.

  • G.M. Giaglis, S. Moustefaoui, and Z. Maamar. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing. University of Cyprus, 2006. Paphos, Cyprus, 23-24 May.

  • P.E. Kourouthanassis and G.M. Giaglis. Pervasive Information Systems. M.E. Sharpe, 2006. part of the Advances in Management Information Systems series, Zwass, V. (Editor-in-Chief).

  • Klein S. and A. Poulymenakou. Managing Dynamic Networks: Organizational perspectives of technology enabled inter-firm collaboration. Springer: Berlin, 2006.

  • V. Zeimpekis, G.M. Giaglis, C.D. Tarantilis, and I. Minis. Dynamic Fleet Management: Concepts, Systems, Algorithms, and Case Studies. Springer, Berlin, 2006.

  • G.M. Giaglis. Mobile Business. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005.

  • T.W. Bynum, N. Pouloudi, S. Rogerson, and T. Spyrou, editors. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference ETHICOMP 2004: Challenges for the Citizen of the Information Society, volume 1-2. University of the Aegean., Syros, Greece, 2004.

  • G.M. Giaglis. Mobile and Wireless Business: Technologies, Applications, and Case Studies (in Greek). Sideris Publications, 2004.

  • G.J. Doukidis, N. Mylonopoulos, and A Pouloudi, editors. Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era. IDEA Group Publishing, Hersey, 2003.

  • G.M. Giaglis, H. Werthner, V. Tschammer, and K.A. Froeschl, editors. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mobile Business. Austrian Computer Society, 2003.

  • M. Korpela, R. Montealegre, and A. Poulymenakou, editors. Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization, volume 126 of International Federation for Information Processing. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 2003.

  • G. Roussos, A. Gershman, and P. Kourouthanassis, editors. Ubiquitous Commerce. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2003.

  • A. Pouloudi. Innovative applications of e-business in Greece (In Greek). Rota, 2002. Athens.

  • F. Foster, G.M. Giaglis, and J. Howells. Managing Information and Operations: Distance Learning Material for the Brunel MBA. Brunel University, 2000.

  • G.M. Giaglis, Z. Irani, and V. Hlupic. Managing Information and Operations. Brunel University, 2000.

Journal Articles

  • N. Pouloudi, W.L. Currie, and E.A. Whitley. Entangled stakeholder roles and perceptions in health information systems: A longitudinal study of the u.k. nhs n3 network. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 17(2):107–161, 2016.

  • I. Krasonikolakis and N. Pouloudi. 3d online environments: Ethical challenges for marketing research. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 13(3/4):218–234, 2015.

  • Ioannis Krasonikolakis, Adam Vrechopoulos, and Athanasia Pouloudi. Store selection criteria and sales prediction in virtual worlds. Information & Management, 2014.

  • Efpraxia D Zamani, George M Giaglis, and Athanasia Pouloudi. Gravitating to" the new shiny thing": Meaning, emotions, and tablets. Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE, 32(2):74–80, 2013.

  • Nancy Pouloudi. Is research stakeholders and cyborgs: an opportunity to revisit the normative is agenda. Journal of Information Technology, 27(4):321, 2012.

  • A. Pouloudi, N. Poulymenakou and K. Pramatari. A profile of information systems research in the Mediterranean region. Europian Journal of Information Systems, 21:345–357, 2012.

  • B. Avgerou, C. Li and Poulymenakou A. Exploring the socio-economic structures of internet-enabled development: A study of Grassroots netrepreneurs in China. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 49:1–10, 2011.

  • Ioannis G Krasonikolakis, Adam Vrechopoulos, and Athanasia Pouloudi. Defining, applying and customizing store atmosphere in virtual reality commerce: Back to basics? International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 3(2):59–72, 2011.

  • Drossos D. and Fouskas K. Factors affecting people's attitudes toward mobile advertising services. International Journal of Mobile Communication, 2010.

  • Drosos D., Fouskas K., Kokkinaki F., and Papakyriakopoulos D. Advertising on the internet: Perspectives from advertising agencies and marketing managers. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising (IJIM&A), 2010.

  • Karaiskos D.C., Drossos D., Tsiaousis A.S., Giaglis G.M., and Fouskas K. Data services usage intention via mobile networks. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2010.

  • Bouwman H., Carlsson C., Giaglis G.M., Molina F.J., and Walden P. Factors affecting the adoption of advanced mobile data services: Comparing the dutch, finnish and greek markets. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2010.

  • Vlachos P., Giaglis G.M., Vrehopoulos A., and I. Lee. Perceived electronic service quality: Results from a cross-national study in mobile internet services. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 2010.

  • Kourouthanassis P.E., Giaglis G.M., and Karaiskos D.C. Delineating 'pervasiveness' in pervasive information systems: A taxonomical framework and design implications. Journal of Information Technology, 2010.

  • Nanou T., Lekakos G., and Fouskas K. The effects of recommendations' presentation on persuasion and satisfaction in a movie recommender system. ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, 2010.

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. The constitution of collective memory in virtual game worlds. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 1(3), 2009.

  • A. Poulymenakou C. Avgerou, A. Ganzaroli and N. Reinhard. Interpreting the trustworthiness of ict-mediated government: lessons from electronic voting in brazil. Information Technology for Development, 15(2):133–148, 2009.

  • Drossos D. and Giaglis G. Reviewing mobile marketing research to date: Towards ubiquitous marketing. Handbook of Research on Mobile Marketing Management, 2009.

  • Dimitris Drossos, Dimitris Karaiskos, Alexandros S. Tsiaousis, and George M. Giaglis. Affective and social determinants of mobile data services adoption. Behaviour and Information Technology, 2009.

  • Zaharias P. and Papargyris A. The gamer experience: investigating relationships between culture and usability of massively multiplayer online games. ACM Computers in Entertainment, 7(2), 2009.

  • Alexandros S. Tsiaousis and George M. Giaglis. Mobile website usability: The influence of environmental distractions. Journal of Computer - Mediated Communication, 2009.

  • Alexandros S. Tsiaousis, George M. Giaglis, and Dimitris Karaiskos. The impact of context of use on mobile web users: An experimental study. Information Systems Frontiers, 2009.

  • P. Zacharias and A. Poulymenakou. Developing a usability evaluation method for e-learning applications: Beyond functional usability. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 25(1):75–98, 2009.

  • M. Bina, D.C. Karaiskos, and G.M. Giaglis. Insights on the drivers and inhibitors of mobile data services uptake. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 6(3):1910–1921, 2008.

  • P.E. Kourouthanassis, G. M. Giaglis, and A. Vrehopoulos. Enhancing the user experience with pervasive information systems: The case of pervasive retail. International Journal of Information Management, 27(5):319–335, 2008.

  • Miltiadis D Lytras, Ambjörn Naeve, and Athanasia Pouloudi. Knowledge management as a reference theory for e-learning: A conceptual and technological. Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 3, 2008.

  • A. Nikas and A. Poulymenakou. Technology adaptation: Capturing the appropriation dynamics of web-based collaboration support in a project team setting. Journal of e-collaboration, 4(2):1–28, 2008.

  • Poulymenakou A. Nikas A. and Kriaris P. Investigating antecedents and drivers affecting the adoption of collaboration technologies in the construction industry. Journal of Automation in Construction, 2007.

  • Poulymenakou A. and Borotis S. Predictions for 2007. ACM eLearn Magazine, 2007.

  • M. Bina and G.M. Giaglis. Perceived value, usage patterns, and user experiences with mobile data services: a cross-cultural study. Electronic Markets, 17(4):241–252, 2007.

  • K. Diamanti, L. Ioannou, N. Pouloudi, and D. Baglee. Supportive mechanisms for effective change management. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, Vol.2(4):307–333, 2007.

  • D. Drossos, G. M. Giaglis, G. Lekakos, F. Kokkinaki, and M. Stavraki. Determinants of effective sms advertising: An experimental study. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 7(2), 2007.

  • D. Drossos, G.M. Giaglis, G. Lekakos, F. Kokkinaki, and M Stavraki. Determinants of effective sms advertising: An experimental study. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 7(2), 2007.

  • P. Kourouthanassis, G. M. Giaglis, and A. Vrehopoulos. Enhancing the user experience with pervasive information systems: The case of pervasive retail. International Journal of Information Management, 2007. Forthcoming.

  • G. Lekakos and G.M. Giaglis. A hybrid approach for improving predictive accuracy of collaborative filtering algorithms. User Modeling and User- Adapted Interaction, 17(1-2):5–40, 2007.

  • G. Lekakos and G.M. Giaglis. A hybrid approach for improving the predictive accuracy of collaborative filtering algorithms. User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction, 2007.

  • A.G. Pateli and G.M. Giaglis. Governance contingencies for strategic technology alliances: A case in mobile business. International Journal of Technology Management, 40(4):310–329, 2007.

  • Diomidis Spinellis, Panagiotis Zaharias, and Adam Vrechopoulos. Coping with plagiarism and grading load: Randomized programming assignments and reflective grading. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 15(2):113–123, 2007.

  • V. Zeimpekis, G.M. Giaglis, A. Tatarakis, and I Minis. Towards a dynamic real-time vehicle management system for urban distribution. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 3(3):228–243, 2007.

  • V. Zeimpekis, A. Tatarakis, G.M. Giaglis, and I. Minis. Towards a dynamic real-time vehicle management system for urban distribution. International Journal of Integrated Supply Chain Management, 2007. Forthcoming.

  • Prasopoulou E., A. Pouloudi, and N. Panteli. Enacting new temporal boundaries: the role of mobile phones. European Journal of Information Systems, Vol.15(5):277–284, 2006.

  • G.M. Giaglis. Mobile business research: Recent advances and future prospects. Business Process Management Journal, 12(3):261–264, 2006.

  • G. Lekakos and G.M. Giaglis. Improving the prediction accuracy of recommendation algorithms: Approaches anchored on human factors. Interacting with Computers, 18(3), 2006.

  • M.D. Lytras and A. Pouloudi. Towards the development of a novel taxonomy of knowledge management systems from a learning perspective. Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol.10(6):64–80, 2006.

  • A.G. Pateli and G.M. Giaglis. Governance contingencies for strategic technology alliances: A case in mobile business. International Journal of Technology Management, 2006. Forthcoming.

  • Adamantia D. Pateli, George M. Giaglis, and Diomidis D. Spinellis. Wireless value-added services in exhibition shows. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 4(2):193–209, 2006.

  • A. Pouloudi and B. O'Keefe. Organizational and ethical issues in the information society. European Journal of Information Systems, Vol.15(4):343–344, 2006. Editorial.

  • P. Vlachos, A. Vrechopoulos, and A. Pateli. Drawing emerging business models for the mobile music industry. International Journal of Electronic Markets, 16(2):154–168, 2006.

  • V. Zeimpekis and G.M. Giaglis. Urban dynamic real-time distribution services: Insights from smes. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 19(4):367–388, 2006.

  • V. Zeimpekis and G.M. Giaglis. Urban dynamic real-time distribution services: Insights from smes. Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 19(4):367–388, 2006.

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. Learning to fly in persistent digital worlds: The case of massively multiplayer online role playing games. ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, 25(1):41–49, 2005.

  • M. Bina and G.M. Giaglis. Emerging issues in researching community-based wlans. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 46(1):9–16, 2005.

  • Drossos D. and Giaglis G. Factors that influence the effectiveness of mobile advertising: The case of sms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005.

  • K. Fouskas, G.M. Giaglis, S. Karnouskos, P. Kourouthanassis, A. Pitsillides, and M. Stylianou. A roadmap for research in mobile business. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 3(4):350–373, 2005.

  • G.M. Giaglis. Critical success factors and business models for mobile and wireless applications. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 6(1):1–4, 2005.

  • G.M. Giaglis, V. Hlupic, G.J. de Vreede, and A. Verbraeck. Sychronous design of business processes and information systems using dynamic process modelling. Business Process Management Journal, 11(6):488–500, 2005.

  • Fouskas K. and D. Drosos. The role of industry perceptions in competitive responses. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 2005.

  • M. Lytras, A. Naeve, and A. Pouloudi. Knowledge management as a reference theory for e-learning: A conceptual and technological perspective. Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol.3(2):66–73, 2005. Forthcoming.

  • M. Lytras, A. Naeve, and A. Pouloudi. A knowledge management roadmap for e-learning: The way ahead. Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol.3(2):1–11, 2005. Forthcoming.

  • A.G Pateli and G.M. Giaglis. Technology innovation-induced business model change: A contingency approach. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 18(2):167–183, 2005.

  • G.M. Giaglis, I. Minis, A. Tatarakis, and V. Zeimpekis. Minimizing logistics risk through real-time vehicle routing and mobile technologies: research to-date and future trends. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management - Special Issue on Risk and Uncertainty in Logistics, 39(4):749–764, 2004.

  • P. Kourouthanassis. Can technology make shopping fun? ECR Journal, 3(2):37–44, 2004.

  • G. Lekakos and G.M. Giaglis. A lifestyle-based approach for delivering personalised advertisements in digital interactive television. Journal of Computer Mediated Communications, 9(2), 2004.

  • Zaharias P. Usability and e-learning: The road towards integration. ACM eLearn Magazine, 2004.

  • A.G. Pateli and G.M. Giaglis. A research framework for analysing business models. European Journal of Information Systems, 13(4):302–314, 2004.

  • A. Poulymenakou and E. Prasopoulou. Adopting a lifecycle perspective to explain the transition from technological innovation to alliance management. Management Decision, 42(9):1115–1130, 2004.

  • Poulymenakou A. and Tsironis L. Quality and electronic commerce: a partnership for growth. The TQM Magazine, 15(3):137–151, 2003.

  • G.M. Giaglis, V. Zeimpekis, and G. Lekakos. A taxonomy of indoor and outdoor positioning techniques for mobile location services. ACM SIGECOM Exchanges, 3(4):19–27, 2003.

  • Pramataris K., Papakiriakopoulos D., Poulymenakou A., and G. Doukidis. New forms of cpfr. ECR Journal, 2(2):38–43, 2003.

  • Samiotis K., Poulymenakou A., and Doukidis G. Understanding knowledge management interventions: Evidence from supporting (e-)banking activities. Knowledge and Process Management: Journal of Corporate Transformation, 10(3), July/September 2003. Special Issue: Knowledge Management Systems: Technological and Organizational Issues.

  • P. Kavassalis, N. Spyropoulou, D. Drossos, V. Mitrokostas, G. Gikas, and A. Hatzistamatiou. Mobile permission marketing - framing the market inquiry. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8(1):55, 2003.

  • Miltiadis D. Lytras and Nancy Pouloudi. Project management as a knowledge management primer: The learning infrastructure in knowledge intensive organizations. projects as knowledge transformations and beyond. Learning Organization Journal, Vol.10(4):237–250, 2003.

  • Zaharias P. and Poulymenakou A. Identifying training needs for ict skills enhancement in south-eastern europe: Implications for designing web-based training courses. Educational Technology and Society, 6(1), 2003.

  • N. Pouloudi, K. Vassilopoulou, and P. Ziouvelou. A societal perspective on e-business adoption. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, Vol.1(3):149–165, 2003.

  • G. Roussos and P. Kourouthanassis. Developing consumer-friendly pervasive retail systems. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2(2):32–39, 2003.

  • G. Roussos, P. Kourouthanassis, and T. Moussouri. Appliance design for mobile commerce and retailtainment. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 7(3-4):203–209, 2003.

  • A. Vrechopoulos, I. Constantiou, N. Mylonopoulos, I. Sideris, and G. Doukidis. The critical role of consumer behavior research in mobile commerce. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 1(3):329–340, 2003.

  • Pramatari K. Papakiriakopoulos D. Poulymenakou A. and Doukidis G. New forms of cpfr: Daily collaboration at store level. ECR Journal, 2(2):38–43, 2002.

  • Papazafeiropoulou A., Pouloudi A., and Poulymenakou A. Electronic commerce competitiveness in the public sector: The importance of stakeholder involvement. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 3(1):82–95, 2002.

  • C. Atkinson, T. Eldabi, R.J. Paul, and A. Pouloudi. Integrated approaches to health informatics research and development. Journal of Logistics Information Management, Vol.15(2):138–152, 2002.

  • Spanos Y. Prastakos G. and Poulymenakou A. The relationship between information and communication technologies and management. Information and Management, 39(8):659–675, 2002.

  • G.M Giagis, S. Klein, and R.M O Keefe. The role of intermediaries in electronic marketplaces: Developing a contingency model. Information Systems Journal, pages 231–246, 2002.

  • G.M. Giaglis, D.A. Papakiriakopoulos, and G.J. Doukidis. An analytical framework and a development method for inter-organisational business process modelling. International Journal of Simulation, 2(2):5–15, 2002.

  • V. Hlupic, N. Pouloudi, and G. Rzevski. Towards an integrated approach to knowledge management: 'hard', 'soft' and 'abstract' issues. Knowledge and Process Management: the Journal of Corporate Transformation, Vol.9(2):90–102, 2002.

  • Z. Irani, V. Hlupic, and G.M Giaglis. Business process re-engineering: an analysis perspective. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 14(1):5–10, 2002.

  • Samiotis K. and Poulymenakou A. Knowledge managements in e-banking: A competence-based perspective. Journal of Computer Information Systems, XXXXII(5):102–109, 2002.

  • Samiotis K., Poulymenakou A., and Doukidis G. Understanding knowledge management interventions: Evidence from supporting (e-)banking activities. Journal of Knowledge and Process Management, 2002.

  • Miltiadis D. Lytras, Nancy Pouloudi, and Angeliki Poulymenakou. Dynamic e-learning settings through advanced semantics. the value justification of a knowledge management oriented metadata schema. International Journal on E-Learning., Vol.1(4):49–61, 2002.

  • Miltiadis D. Lytras, Nancy Pouloudi, and Angeliki Poulymenakou. A framework for technology convergence in learning and working. Educational Technology and Society, Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society and IEEE Learning Technology Task Force, Vol. 5(2):99–106, 2002.

  • Miltiadis D. Lytras, Nancy Pouloudi, and Angeliki Poulymenakou. Knowledge management convergence: Expanding learning frontiers. Journal of Knowledge Management., Vol.6(1):40–51, 2002.

  • Zaharias P., Vassilopoulou K., and Poulymenakou A. Designing on-line learning courses: Implications for usability. Scientific Journal on Applied Information Technology, 1(1), 2002.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou, A. Pouloudi, and G.J. Doukidis. A framework for best practices in electronic commerce awareness creation. Business Process Management Journal, Vol.8(3):233–244, 2002.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou, A. Pouloudi, and A. Poulymenakou. Electronic commerce competitiveness in the public sector: The importance of stakeholder involvement. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Vol.3(1):82–95, 2002.

  • Tryfonas T. Kiountouzis E. and Poulymenakou A. Embedding security practices in contemporary information systems development approaches. Information Management and Computer Security, 9(4):183–197, 2001.

  • G.M. Giaglis. A taxonomy of business process modelling and information systems modelling techniques. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 13(2):209–228, 2001.

  • Z. Irani, V. Hlupic, and G.M. Giaglis. Business process re-engineering: a modelling perspective. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 13(2):99–104, 2001.

  • Z. Irani, A. Pouloudi, and W. Currie. Communication as a social construct within an information society. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 44(1):4–5, 2001.

  • Pramataris K., Papakiriakopoulos D., Lekakos G., and Mylonopoulos N. Personalized interactive tv advertising: The imedia business model. Journal of Electronic Markets, 11(1):17–25, 2001.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi. Social issues in electronic commerce research: implications for policy makers. Information Resources Management Journal, 14(4):24–32, 2001.

  • E.A. Whitley and A. Pouloudi. Studying the translations of nhsnet. Journal of End User Computing, 13(3):30–40, 2001.

  • W.L. Currie and A. Pouloudi. Evaluating the relationship between it outsourcing and knowledge management. Journal of Change Management, 1(2):149–163, 2000.

  • Z. Irani, V. Hlupic, and G.M. Giaglis. Business process re-engineering: a design perspective. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 12(4):247–252, 2000.

  • A. Pouloudi and G.D. Magoulas. Neural expert systems in medical image interpretation: development, use and ethical issues. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 11(5–6):451–472, 2000.

  • G.M. Giaglis. On the integrated design and evaluation of business processes and information systems. Communications of the AIS, 2(5), 1999.

  • G.M. Giaglis, N.A. Mylonopoulos, and G.I. Doukidis. The issue methodology for quantifying benefits from information systems. Logistics Information Management, 12(1-2):50–62, 1999.

  • G.M. Giaglis, R.J. Paul, and G.I. Doukidis. Assessing the impact of electronic commerce on business performance: A simulation experiment. Electronic Markets, 9(1-2):25–31, 1999.

  • G.M. Giaglis, R.J. Paul, and G.I. Doukidis. Dynamic modeling to assess the business value of electronic commerce. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 3(3):35–51, 1999.

  • G.M. Giaglis, R.J. Paul, and V. Hlupic. Integrating simulation in organisational design studies. International Journal of Information Management, 19(3):219–236, 1999.

  • G.M. Giaglis, R.J. Paul, and R.M. O Keefe. Discrete simulation for business engineering. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 37(1-2):199–202, 1999.

  • G.M. Giaglis, R.J. Paul, and R.M. O Keefe. Research note: Integrating business and network simulation models for it investment evaluation. Logistics Information Management, 12(1-2):108–117, 1999.

  • L. Introna and A. Pouloudi. Privacy in the information age: Stakeholders, interests and values. Journal of Business Ethics, 22(1):27–38, 1999.

  • R.J. Paul, G.M. Giaglis, and V. Hlupic. Simulation of business processes. American Behavioral Scientist, 42(10):1551–1576, 1999.

  • A. Pouloudi. Information technology for collaborative advantage in health care revisited. Information and Management, 35(6):345–357, 1999.

  • A. Pouloudi, M. Perry, and R. Saini. Organisational appropriation of technology: a case study. Cognition, Technology and Work, 1(3):169–178, 1999.

  • Poulymenakou A., Drakos A., Papazafeiropoulou A., and Doukidis G. Towards new web application development practices. Australian Journal of Information Systems (Special issue on E-Commerce), pages 107–113, 1998.

  • Poulymenakou A. and Serafeimidis V. The role of evaluation in dealing with information systems failure: conceptual explorations. Failure and Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management, 1(3):167–177, 1997.

  • G.M. Giaglis, R.J. Paul, and G.I. Doukidis. Simulation for intra- and inter-organisational business process modelling. Informatica, 21(4):613–620, 1997.

  • A. Pouloudi. Conflicting concerns over the privacy of electronic medical records in the nhsnet. Business Ethics: A European Review, 6(2):94–101, 1997. Winner of Anbar Electronic Intelligence Award for Citation of Excellence; Category: Highest Quality Rating.

  • A. Pouloudi. Stakeholder analysis as a front-end to knowledge elicitation. AI & Society, Vol.11(3&4):1–16, 1997.

  • Athanasia Pouloudi and Edgar A Whitley. Stakeholder identification in interorganizational systems: Gaining insights for drug use management systems. European Journal of Information Systems, Vol.6(1):1–14, 1997.

  • Poulymenakou A. and Holmes A. A contingency framework for the investigation of information systems failure. European Journal of Information Systems, 5(1):36–46, 1996.

  • Athanasia Pouloudi and Edgar A. Whitley. Discussing the role of information systems in the manifestation of organizational and interorganizational conflict. Systemist, Vol.18(4):217–238, 1996.

  • Avgerou C. Cornford T. and Poulymenakou A. The challenge of business process redesign for the information systems profession. New Technology, Work and Employment, 10(2):132–141, 1995.

  • Whitley E. Poulymenakou A. and Cornford T. The spring model for knowledge based systems analysis: a case study. Database, 23(2):1–5, 1992.

  • Poulymenakou A. Cornford T. and Whitley E. Knowledge acquisition for organisational problem solving: developing expert systems and beyond. Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 5(1-2):121–130, 1992.

Book Chapters

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. Playing together in cyberspace: Collective action and shared meaning constitution in virtual worlds. In N. Panteli and M. Chiasson, editors, Exploring Virtuality within and beyond Organizations, chapter 10. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

  • P.E. Kourouthanassis and G.M. Giaglis. The design challenge of pervasive information systems. In P.E. Kourouthanassis and G. M. Giaglis, editors, Pervasive Information Systems, pages 29–85. M. E. Sharpe Inc., 2008.

  • P.E. Kourouthanassis and G.M. Giaglis. Towards pervasiveness: Four eras of information systems development. In P.E. Kourouthanassis and G. M. Giaglis, editors, Pervasive Information Systems, pages 3–25. M. E. Sharpe Inc., 2008.

  • Zaharias P. and Papargyris A. Interaction with mmogs and implications for e-learning design. In Ferdig R. E., editor, Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education. IGI Global, 2008.

  • G.M. Giaglis and P. Kourouthanassis. Towards pervasiveness: Four eras of information systems development. In P. Kourouthanassis and G. M. Giaglis, editors, Pervasive Information Systems. Under the Advances in Management Information Systems Series. M. E. Sharpe Inc., 2007.

  • Eirini Kalliamvakou. Open source software basics: An overview of a revolutionary research context. In Lytras M. and Naeve A., editors, Open source for knowledge and learning management : strategies beyond tools. Idea Group Publishing, 2007.

  • Borotis S. Zaharias P. and Poulymenakou A. Critical success factors for e-learning adoption and sustainability: A holistic approach. In T. Kidd, editor, Handbook of Research on Instructional Systems and Technology. Idea Group Inc, New York, 2007.

  • A. Pateli and G.M Giaglis. An interdisciplinary research framework to investigate electronic business models. In A.J. Salazar and S. Sawyer, editors, Handbook of Information Technology in Organizations and Electronic Markets. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ., 2007.

  • E. Prasopoulou, Pouloudi N., and E. Kalliamvakou. Imposing order on the greek taxation system: The case of taxis. In Josef Makolm and Gerti Orthofer, editors, E Taxation: State & Perspectives. E-Government in the field of Taxation: Scientific Basis, Implementation Strategies, Good Practice Examples. Trauner Verlag, Schriftenreihe Informatik, Linz, 2007.

  • V. Zeimpekis, P. Kourouthanassis, and G.M Giaglis. Mobile and wireless positioning technologies. In P. Bellavista, editor, Telecommunications Technologies, Systems and Services, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. EOLSS Publishers, Oxford ,UK, 2007.

  • Nikas A. and Poulymenakou A. Examining the emerging dynamics of an information infrastructure: The case of introducing a web-based collaboration platform in the construction industry. In S. Klein and A. Poulymenakoy, editors, Managing Dynamic Networks. Springer, Berlin, 2006. ISBN 978-3540253679.

  • Miliotis P. Poulymenakou A. and Doukidis G. The shift towards electronic commerce: Market transformation and employment impact. In Nikolaou C. and Stefanidis C., editors, Research and Advanced Technology in Digital Libraries, Vol. 1513 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 857–872. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2006.

  • Prasopoulou E. and Poulymenakou A. Unraveling the virtual university: the case of emaster postgraduate programme. In S. Klein and A. Poulymenakou, editors, Organizing principles for inter-firm networks, pages 283–308. Springer, 2006.

  • G.M. Giaglis and V. Hlupic. Information systems evaluation in business process reengineering projects. In R.J. Paul, editor, Living Information Systems. Springer-Verlag, 2006.

  • P. Kourouthanassis and G. Roussos. The design of pervasive retail experiences. In G. Roussos, editor, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Commerce: New Frontiers for Electronic Business. pringer-Verlag, 2006.

  • Zaharias P. and Poulymenakou A. Towards a set of design guidelines for asynchronous e-learning applications. In T. Kidd, editor, Handbook of Research on Instructional Systems and Technology. Idea Group Inc, New York, 2006.

  • E. Prasopoulou, A. Poulymenakou, and A. Pouloudi. Unraveling the virtual university: the case of emaster postgraduate programme. In S. Klein and A. Poulymenakou, editors, Managing Dynamic Networks. Springer, 2006.

  • V. Zeimpekis, G.M. Giaglis, and I. Minis. Dynamic incident handling through real-time fleet management: The case of diakinisis sa. In V. Zeimpekis, G.M Giaglis, C.D. Tarantilis, and I. Minis, editors, Telecommunications Technologies, Systems and Services, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. Springer-Verlag, 2006.

  • V. Zeimpekis, P. Kourouthanassis, and G.M. Giaglis. Mobile and wireless positioning technologies. In P. Bellavista, editor, Telecommunications Technologies, Systems and Services, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. EOLSS Publishers, 2006.

  • Samiotis K., Papargyris A., Poulymenakou A., Zaharias P., and G.M. Giaglis. Knowledge processes embedded in task structures: Design of a technical and organizational solution. In G. Kouzelis, M. Pournari, M. Stoppler, and V. Tselfes, editors, Telecommunications Technologies, Systems and Services, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, pages 113–124. Peter Lang, Frakfurt am Main, 2005.

  • Samiotis K., Papargyris A., Poulymenakou A., Zaharias P., and Giaglis G.M. Knowledge processes embedded in task structures: Design of a technical and organizational solution. In Kouzelis G. Pournari M. Stoppler M. and Tselfes V., editors, Knowledge in the New Technologies, pages 113–124. Peter Lang, Frakfurt am Main, 2005.

  • P. Kourouthanassis and G.M. Giaglis. Shopping in the 21st century: Embedding technology in the retail arena. In G.J. Doukidis and A.P. Vrehopoulos, editors, Consumer Driven Electronic Transformation: Applying New Technologies to Enthuse Consumers and Transform the Supply Chain, pages 227–240. Springer, Berlin, 2005.

  • P. Kourouthanassis and G.M. Giaglis. Shopping in the 21st century: Embedding technology in the retail arena. In G.J Doukidis and A. Vrechopoulos, editors, Consumer-Driven Electronic Transformation: Apply New Technologies to Enthuse Consumers, pages 227–240. Springer-Verlag, 2005.

  • G. Lekakos and G.M. Giaglis. Personalization of advertisements in the digital tv context. In S. Chen and S. Magoulas, editors, Adaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems, pages 264–283. Idea Group Publishing, 2005.

  • Zaharias P. E-learning design quality: A holistic conceptual framework. In Howard et al, editor, Encyclopaedia of Distance Learning. Idea Group Inc, New York, 2005.

  • K. Pramataris, G. Doukidis, and P. Kourouthanassis. Towards smarter supply and demand chain collaboration practices enabled by rfid technology. In G.J Doukidis and A. Vrechopoulos, editors, Consumer-Driven Electronic Transformation: Apply New Technologies to Enthuse Consumers, pages 242–256. Springer-Verlag, 2005.

  • V. Zeimpekis and G.M. Giaglis. A dynamic real-time vehicle routing system for adressing distribution operations. In G.J Doukidis and A. Vrechopoulos, editors, Consumer-Driven Electronic Transformation: Apply New Technologies to Enthuse Consumers, pages 23–38. Springer-Verlag, 2005.

  • V. Zeimpekis and G.M. Giaglis. A dynamic real-time vehicle routing system for distribution operations. In G.J. Doukidis and A.P. Vrehopoulos, editors, Consumer Driven Electronic Transformation: Applying New Technologies to Enthuse Consumers and Transform the Supply Chain, pages 23–38. Springer, Berlin, 2005.

  • G.M. Giaglis. Mobile location services. In E. Khosrow-Pour, editor, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, pages 1973–1977. Idea Group Publishing, 2004.

  • S. Klein, A. Poulymenakou, K. Riemer, D. Papakiriakopoulos, M. Gogolin, and A. Nikas. Iois and interfirm networks interdependencies and managerial challenges. In Sean Eom, editor, Inter-Organizational Information Systems in the Internet Age. Idea Group Publishing, London UK, 2004.

  • K. Pramataris, G. Doukidis, and P. Kourouthanassis. Towards smarter supply and demand chain collaboration practices enabled by rfid technology. In P. Vervest, E. Van Heck, K. Preiss, and L.F. Pau, editors, Smart Business Networks, pages 197–208. Springer-Verlag, 2004.

  • G.M. Giaglis. Directions and trends in knowledge management research: Results from an empirical analysis of european projects. In V. Hlupic, editor, Knowledge and Business Process Management, pages 1–15. Idea Group Publishing, 2003.

  • A. Nikas and A. Poulymenakou. Networked business organisations: an actionable research framework. In G. Doukidis, N. Mylonopoulos, and N. Pouloudi, editors, Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era. Idea Group Publishing, London UK, 2003. ISBN 1591402670.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi. Social issues in electronic commerce: Implications for policy markers [reprint of the information resources management journal paper]. In M. Khosrow-Pour, editor, Advanced Topics in Information Resources Management, pages 173–191. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing., 2003. Vol.2.

  • A. Pouloudi, V. Hlupic, and G. Rzevski. Intelligent agents for knowledge management in e-commerce: opportunities and challenges. In V. Hlupic, editor, Knowledge and Business Process Management, pages 51–67. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing, 2003.

  • L. Eatock, A. Serrano, G.M. Giaglis, and R.J. Paul. Evaluating information technology lessons from integrating business process simulation with computer network simulation. In P. Henderson, editor, Systems Engineering for Business Process Change: New Directions, pages 150–159. Springer, 2002.

  • G.M. Giaglis, P. Kourouthanassis, and A. Tsamakos. Towards a classification framework for mobile location services. In B.E. Mennecke and T.J. Strader, editors, Mobile Commerce: Technology, Theory, and Applications, pages 67–85. Idea Group Publishing, 2002.

  • M.G. Lycett and A. Pouloudi. Component-based development: issues of data protection. In G. Dhillon, editor, Social responsibility in the information age: Issues and Controversies, pages 53–65. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing, 2002.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi. Social issues in electronic commerce: Implications for policy markers [reprint of the information resources management journal paper]. In G. Dhillon, editor, Social responsibility in the information age: Issues and Controversies, pages 144–159. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing, 2002.

  • K. Samiotis and A. Poulymenakou. The learning enactment of process knowledge: An approach anchored on work practices. In V. Hlupic, editor, Knowledge and Business Process Management, pages 99–117. Idea Group Publishing, London UK, 2002. ISBN 1591400368.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi. Diffusion of electronic commerce: Applying the stakeholder concept to guide government policy makers. In M. Singh and T. Teo, editors, E-Commerce Diffusion: Strategies and Challenges, pages 111–123. Heidelberg Press, 2001.

  • A. Pouloudi. Addressing prescription fraud in the british national health service: Technological and social considerations. In G. Dhillon, editor, Information Security Management: Global Challenges in the Next Millenium, pages 69–89. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing, 2001.

  • J. Eatock, G.M. Giaglis, R.J. Paul, and A. Serrano. The implications of information technology infrastructure capabilities for business process change success. In P. Henderson, editor, Systems Engineering for Business Process Change, pages 127–137. Springer, 2000.

  • G.M. Giaglis, K.M Manikas, B. Pergioudakis, and P. Miliotis. Dss for the evaluation of national it infrastructure investments: A study of cable television in greece. In S.H. Zanakis, G.I. Doukidis, and C. Zopounidis, editors, Decision Making: Recent Developments and Worldwide Applications, pages 397–412. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.

  • L.D. Introna and A. Pouloudi. Privacy in the information age: Stakeholders, interests and values. In J.N. Sheth, A. Eshghi, and B.C. Krishnan, editors, Internet Marketing, pages 373–387. Harcourt, 2000.

  • A. Pouloudi and E.A. Whitley. Representing human and non-human stakeholders: on speaking with authority. In R. Baskerville, J. Stage, and J.I. DeGross, editors, Organizational and Social Perspectives on Information Technology, pages 340–354. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2000.

  • K. Pramataris, A. Vrechopoulos, N. Mylonopoulos, G. Papamichail, and A. Poylymenakou. Personalised services and promotions in internet retailing. In B.Stanford-Smith and P.T.Kidd, editors, E-business: Key Issues, Applications and Technologies, eBusiness and eWork 2000 Conference, Madrid, Spain, 18-20 October 2000, pages 796–802. IOS Press, 2000.

  • G.M. Giaglis. Transformation of static process models into dynamic simulations: Issues and considerations. In B. Scholz-Reiter, H.D. Stahlmann, and A. Nethe, editors, Process Modelling, pages 161–176. Springer-Verlag, 1999.

  • K. Pramataris, G.I. Doukidis, G.M. Giaglis, and J. Raptakis. The euromedies edi prototype system. In N. Pallikarakis, N. Anselmann, and A. Pernice, editors, Information Exchange for Medical Devices, pages 62–68. IOS Press, 1999.

  • A. Pouloudi. Stakeholder analysis in health interorganizational systems: The case of nhsnet. In K.V. Andersen, editor, EDI and Data Networking in the Public Sector, pages 83–107. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1998.

  • Athanasia Pouloudi. Stakeholder analysis in uk health interorganizational systems: The case of nhsnet. In Kim Viborg Andersen, editor, EDI and Data Networking in the Public Sector: Governmental Action, Diffusion, and Impacts, page (chapter 5). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1997. ISBN 0-7923-8021-5.

  • G.M. Giaglis and R.J. Paul. It's time to engineer re-engineering: Investigating the potential of simulation modelling in business process redesign. In B. Scholz-Reiter and E. Stickel, editors, Business Process Modelling, pages 313–332. Springer-Verlag, 1996.

  • A Pouloudi and E.A. Whitley. Applying stakeholder analysis to inter-organisational systems in the context of health care in the uk. In Bryan Glastonbury, editor, Dreams and Realities: Information Technology in the Human Services, pages 51–64. Stakes, Finland, 1996.

  • Cowderoy A. Jenkins J. and Poulymenakou A. The mermaid project. In Geriner P. Gulledge T. and Hutzler W., editors, Software Engineering Economics and Declining Budgets. Springer-Verlag, Berlin & Heidelberg, 1994.

  • Poulymenakou A. Project management. In Forti A., editor, Manual for Training in Research and Innovation Management. World Scientific, Singapore, 1993.

Conference Publications

  • Efpraxia D Zamani, George M Giaglis, and Athanasia Pouloudi. Tactile experiences: User interpretations and meaning with tablets. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on, pages 3337–3346. IEEE, 2014.

  • C Atkinson, R Gandecha, A Papazafeiropoulou, and A Pouloudi. How stakeholder analysis can be mobilized with actor-network theory to identify actors. In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (AICT), volume 143, pages 705–711, 2011.

  • Ioannis Krasonikolakis, Adam Vrechopoulos, and A Pouloudi. Retail store design classification in conventional and online (2d and 3d) environments. In 6th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2011.

  • Drosos D. and Fouskas K. Product involvement dimensionality and its effect on intentions to purchase. In 9th International Conference on Mobile Business, June 13-15 2010.

  • Drossos D. and Fouskas K. Mobile advertising: Product involvement and its effect on intentions to purchase. In Proceedings of the th International Conference on Mobile Business and the 9th Global Mobility Roundtable (ICMB/GMR 2010), June 13-15 2010.

  • I. Krasonikolakis, A. Vrechopoulos, and N. Pouloudi. Consumer behaviour in virtual worlds. In 7th Student Conference of Management Science and Technology, May 2010. In greek.

  • I. Krasonikolakis, A. Vrechopoulos, and N. Pouloudi. Users' personality traits in the context of virtual reality. In Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business, July 2010.

  • Alexandros S. Tsiaousis and George M. Giaglis. An empirical assessment of environmental factors that influence the usability of a mobile website. In 9th International Conference on Mobile Business, June 13-15 2010.

  • Nikas A. and Poulymenakou A. Delineating collaboration intensity dimensions in project- teams. In Proceedings of the Academy of Management Conference, August 2009.

  • Drossos D. and Fouskas K. Advertising on the internet: Perspectives from advertising agencies and advertisers. In Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), 25-27 September 2009.

  • Karaiskos D.C., Kourouthanassis P., and Giaglis G.M. Towards a validated construct for information systems pervasiveness: An exploratory assessment. In Proceedings of the 22nd Bled eConference, June 14-17 2009.

  • Karaiskos D.C., Kourouthanassis P., Lantzouni P., Giaglis G.M., and Georgiadis C.K. Understanding the adoption of mobile data services: Differences among mobile portal and mobile internet users. In In the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), June 28-29 2009.

  • D.Drosos and K. Fouskas. Advertising on the internet: perspectives from advertising agencies and advertisers. In Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, September 25-27 2009.

  • Giaglis G.M., Kourouthanassis P.E., and Lantzouni P. Mediated versus direct access to mobile data services: Adoption patterns in greece. In Proceedings of the 8th Global Mobility Roundtable, November 2009.

  • Eirini Kalliamvakou. Model construction for measuring developer contribution from software repository data. In Walt Scacchi, Kris Ven, and Jan Verelst, editors, Proceedings of the OSS 2009 Doctoral Consortium, pages 65–72. Universitas N. V., Antwerp, Belgium, June 2009.

  • Eirini Kalliamvakou, Georgios Gousios, Diomidis Spinellis, and Nancy Pouloudi. Measuring developer contribution from software repository data. In A. Poulymenakou, N. Pouloudi, and K. Pramatari, editors, MCIS 2009: 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, pages 600–611, September 2009.

  • I. Krasonikolakis and A. Vrechopoulos. Setting the research agenda for store atmosphere studies in virtual reality retailing: An interdisciplinary approach. In A. Poulymenakou, N. Pouloudi, and K. Pramatari, editors, 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, pages 1169–1179, September 2009.

  • I. Krasonikolakis and A. Vrechopoulos. Virtual reality internet retailing (vrir): Experimental investigation of interactive shopping interface - store atmosphere effects on user-consumer behavior. In Images of Virtuality - International Workshop Proceedings, April 2009.

  • I. Krasonikolakis and A. Vrechopoulos. Virtual reality store atmosphere (vrsa): Research challenges and emerging business models. In Ioannis Nikolaou, editor, Proceedings of 6th Student Conference on Management Science and Technology, May 2009. In Greek.

  • I. Krasonikolakis, A. Vrechopoulos, and D. Christoforou. An empirical investigation of users' characteristics in virtual reality retailing. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Services Marketing, November 2009.

  • E. Prasopoulou. The interplay of ICT innovation with state administrative tradition: The case of the greek taxation information system (taxis). In Angeliki Poulymenakou, Nancy Pouloudi, and Katerina Pramatari, editors, MCIS '09: Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, September 2009.

  • Borotis S. and Poulymenakou A. E-learning acceptance in workplace training: the case of a greek bank. In Proceedings of 17th European Conference on Information Systems, June 2009.

  • V.Koutsiouris, A.Kasimati, V. Mihos, and Z.Tzirekaki. Innovative emerging market in web .based virtual environments- research analysis and study. In Proceedings of 6th Student Research Conference of the Department of Managements Science and Technology, May 2009.

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. The construction of collective memory in massively multiplayer online game communities. In IFIP WG 9.5 International Working Conference on Virtuality and Society: Massive Virtual Communities, 1st and 2nd of July 2008.

  • Tsiaousis A. and Giaglis G.M. Evaluating the effects of the environmental context-of-use on mobile website usability. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile Business, July 8-9 2008.

  • Karaiskos D.C., Drosos D., Tsiaousis A.S., and Giaglis G.M. Cognitive and affective antecedents of mobile data services usage intention. In Proceedings of the 12th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), August 28-30 2008.

  • Georgios Gousios, Eirini Kalliamvakou, and Diomidis Spinellis. Measuring developer contribution from software repository data. In MSR '08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, pages 129–132, New York, NY, USA, 2008. ACM.

  • Kourouthanassis P., Giaglis G.M., and Karaiskos D.C. Delineating the degree of .pervasiveness. in pervasive information systems: An assessment framework and design implications. In Proceedings of the 12th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), August 28-30 2008.

  • Nancy Pouloudi, Kim V Andersen, Debra Howcroft, Bruce Reinig, and Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen. Professorial hegemony unveiled: Opportunities and challenges in building a career in is. In ICIS 2008 Proceedings, page 186, 2008.

  • Nancy Pouloudi, Antonio Cordella, Jan Damsgaard, Elaine Ferneley, Hans van der Heijden, and Eric van Heck. Panel: Developing a sustainable academic career in is. In ECIS, pages 1509–1512, 2008.

  • Alexandros S. Tsiaousis and George M. Giaglis. An empirical analysis on the effects of the environmental context-of-use on mobile website usability. In Proceedings of the 5th Student Conference on Management Science and Technology, March 17 2008.

  • M. Bina, D.C. Karaiskos, and G.M. Giaglis. Investigating factors affecting actual usage patterns of mobile data services. In Proceedings of the 2007 Los Angeles Global Mobility Roundtable, June 1-2 2007.

  • M. Bina, D.C. Karaiskos, and G.M. Giaglis. Motives and barriers affecting the use of mobile data services. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile Business, July 9-11 2007.

  • A. Poulymenakou C. Avgerou, A. Ganzaroli and N. Reinhard. ICT and citizens' trust in government: Lessons from electronic voting in brazil. In Proceedings of the IFIP WG 9.4. International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, May 2007.

  • D. Drossos, G.M. Giaglis, and G. Lekakos. An empirical assesment of factors that influence the effectiveness of sms advertising. In Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 3-6 2007.

  • D.C Karaiskos, P.E. Kourouthanassis, and G.M. Giaglis. User acceptance of pervasive information systems: Evaluating an rfid ticketing system. In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June 7-9 2007.

  • E. Lawrence, M. Bina, G. Culjak, and T. El-Kiki. Wireless communities: Public assets for 21st century society. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, April 2-4 2007.

  • N. Pouloudi and E. Kalliamvakou. A qualitative evaluation of a cross-border identity management system to support public administration: Insights and lessons learned. In I. Benbasat, M. Limayem, D. Te'eni, G. Jacucci, and E. Monod, editors, Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems - MCIS 2007, 4-7 October 2007.

  • K. Pramatari, L. Kioses, and K. Fouskas. Adoption of electronic supply chain collaboration services: the effect of collaboration climate and the role of perceptions of e-marketplace participation impact. In Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, September 25-27 2007.

  • E. Prasopoulou and N. Pouloudi. E-government services adoption strategies: the case of taxis. In 4th Student Conference of Management Science and Technology - Social Corporate Responsibility, May 2007. In greek.

  • Borotis S. and Poulymenakou A. Examining employees' acceptance of e-learning: and application of the theory of planned behavior. In 6th IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education - WBE 2007, 14-16 March 2007.

  • A.T. Tsiaousis and G.M. Giaglis. Mobile usability evaluation: Studying ad hoc mobile context. In International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems (MOBILITY CONFERENCE 2007), September 12-14 2007.

  • Zeimpekis V., Giaglis G.M., and Minis I. Development and evaluation of an intelligent fleet management system for city logistics. In Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 7-10 2007.

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. Collective action in persistent virtual worlds - a video poster. In 5th International Workshop on Phenomenology, Organisation, and Technology, 21-23 September 2006.

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. A study on how participants in persistent virtual environments interpret and constitute the meanings of their collective actions. In First International Workshop on Virtuality and Society: Emerging Themes (IFIP WG 9.5), June 16 2006.

  • Poulymenakou A. and Talanti I. Human resource information systems use in greece. In 3rd Student Scientific Symposium of Management Science and Technology, May 2006.

  • M. Bina and G.M. Giaglis. A motivation and effort model for members of wireless communities. In Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June 12-14 2006.

  • M. Bina and G.M. Giaglis. Unwired collective action: Motivations of wireless community participants. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), June 26-27 2006.

  • K. Diamanti, N. Pouloudi, C. Papoutsi, and G. Veioglanis. Business intelligence in greek organizations: opportunities and risks for effective change management. In Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems - MCIS 2006. Association of Information Systems, 5-9 October 2006.

  • K. Diamanti, G. Veioglanis, and C. Papoutsi. Business intelligence and change: Case studies in greek organizations. In 3rd Student Conference of Management Science and Technology, 10 may 2006.

  • D. Drosos, A. Vrechopoulos, and I. Ferles. Predicting the 'click-through rate' performance of banner advertisements on the web. In European Marketing Academy Conference., May 24-26 2006.

  • D. Drossos and G.M. Giaglis. Mobile advertising effectiveness: an exploratory study. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), June 26-27 2006.

  • Kontogianni E., Lafka T., Mallios N., Priftis E., and Drossos D. Electronic advertising in greece: Factors that influence banners click through rateelectronic advertising in greece: Factors that influence banners click through rate. In 3rd Student Conference on Management Science and Technology, May 10 2006.

  • P.E. Kourouthanassis and G.M. Giaglis. A design theory for pervasive information systems. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing during ICEIS2006, May, 23-27 2006.

  • Zaharias P. A usability evaluation method for e-learning: Focus on motivation to learn. In Extended Abstracts of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI, 2006.

  • C. Papoutsi, Spiliopoulou A., and Chalikia A. The psychological contract: The concept and its implications, research in greek organizations. In 3rd Student Conference of Management Science and Technology, 10 may 2006.

  • A.G. Pateli and G.M. Giaglis. Governance options for strategic alliances in value webs. In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), January 4-7 2006.

  • E. Prasopoulou and N. Pouloudi. A research protocol for studying organizational affordances for identity management in europe. In IST-Africa, 3-5 May 2006.

  • V. Zeimpekis, G.M. Giaglis, and I. Minis. Dynamic incident handling in urban freight distributions. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS 2006), May 23-26 2006.

  • V. Zeimpekis, G.M. Giaglis, and I. Minis. Dynamic vehicle dispatching with time-dependent travel times in urban settings. In Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXI), July 2-5 2006.

  • Nikas A. and Poulymenakou A. Delineating collaboration intensity dimensions in ICT enabled project teams. In Academy of Management annual meeting, August 2007 2005.

  • Nikas A. and Poulymenakou A. Impacts of web-based collaboration in managerial control and work practices: The case of introducing a web-based collaboration platform in a construction consortium. In International Resources Management Association, 15-18 May 2005.

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. Exploring conceptions of context in persistent virtual environments - social construction and the negotiation of meaning. In The Virtual - a room without borders?, September 15-16 2005.

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. Learning and communities of practice: An empirical study. In 2nd Student Scientific Symposium of Management Science and Technology, May 2005.

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. Learning in virtual community contexts: Communities and practices in massively multiplayer online role playing games. In ALP_IS'05, February 2005 2005.

  • Poulymenakou A. Moraiti A. and Bisbiki E. When instruction meets design: embedding instructional theory elements into elearning. In Workshop 'eLearning and Human-Computer Interaction: Exploring Design Synergies for more Effective Learning Experiences' (In conjunction with the 10th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Interact 2005, 12-16 September 2005.

  • Poulymenakou A. Moraiti A. and Bisbiki E. When instruction meets interface design: A framework for asynchronous elearning interface design guideline. In Third International Conference on Open and Distance Learning 'Applications of Pedagogy and Technology', November 11-13 2005.

  • M. Bina and G.M. Giaglis. Exploring early usage patterns of mobile data services. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobile Business, July 11-13 2005.

  • S.A. Borotis, A.K. Poulymenakou, and V.A. Karamanis. Embedding elearning in corporate training: Lessons from a case study. In 4th IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education - WBE 2005, February 2005.

  • Drossos D. and Giaglis G. Measuring mobile advertising effectiveness. In Proceedings of the 2nd Student Conference on Management Science and Technology, May 18 2005.

  • K. Diamanti and N. Pouloudi. Benchmarking in network organizations. In P.H. Ketikidis and L.S.C. Koh, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems (SCMIS 2005), pages 194–206, 6-8 July 2005.

  • K. Diamanti and N. Pouloudi. Virtual benchmarking and global networking. In A. Sohal and R. Cooney, editors, Proceedings of the 7th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation, and Knowledge Management (CD ROM Proceedings), pages 159–167, 16-18 February 2005.

  • D. Drossos and G.M Giaglis. Factors that influence the effectiveness of mobile advertising: The case of sms. In Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, November 11-13 2005.

  • D. Drossos, G. Marias, and D. Gouscos. M-gov: A proposed architecture for mobile government transactions. In Proceedings of the 1st Euro Conference on Mobile Government, July 10-12 2005.

  • E. Kalliamvakou, E. Prasopoulou, and N. Pouloudi. Identity management architectures: Arguing for a socio-technical perspective. In G. Collste, S.O. Hansson, S. Rogerson, and T.W. Bynum, editors, Proceedings of the Eighth ETHICOMP International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies: The ETHICOMP Decade 1995-2005. (CD-ROM Proceedings), 12-15 September 2005.

  • V.A. Karamanis, A.K. Poulymenakou, and S.A. Borotis. Empowering workplace elearning program design: the key role of training needs assessment. In Proceedings of HCI International 2005, July 2005.

  • N. Lampropoulos, S. Michalakos, A. Anagnostopoulos, and N. Pouloudi. Enabling the exploitation of tacit knowledge: open issues and opportunities. In G. Collste, S.O. Hansson, S. Rogerson, and T.W. Bynum, editors, Proceedings of the Eighth ETHICOMP International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies: The ETHICOMP Decade 1995-2005. (CD-ROM Proceedings), 12-15 September 2005.

  • Adamantia G. Pateli, George M. Giaglis, and Diomidis D. Spinellis. Trial evaluation of wireless info-communication and indoor location-based services in exhibition shows. In Panagiotis Bozanis and Elias N. Houstis, editors, Advances in Informatics: 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2005, pages 199–210. Springer-Verlag, November 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3746.

  • A. Poulymenakou and S.A. Borotis. Adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in greece. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3746, pages 559–570, October 2005.

  • E. Prasopoulou and A. Pouloudi. Balancing standardization with organizational indeterminacy: The use of IT in universities. In D. R. Vogel, P. Walden, J. Gricar, and G. Lenart, editors, Proceedings of the 18th Bled eConference on eIntegration in Action. (CD-ROM Proceedings), 6-8 June 2005.

  • K. Samiotis and A. Poulymenakou. Adopting knowledge management: How managers perceive its intervention affordances. In 6th European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC'05), March 2005.

  • Vasileios Vlachos, Vassiliki Vouzi, Damianos Chatziantoniou, and Diomidis Spinellis. NGCE — network graphs for computer epidemiologists. In Panagiotis Bozanis and Elias N. Houstis, editors, Advances in Informatics: 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2005, pages 672–683. Springer-Verlag, November 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3746.

  • V. Zeimpekis, G.M. Giaglis, and I. Minis. A dynamic real-time fleet management system for incident handling in city logistics. In Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, May 30th-June 1st 2005.

  • V. Zeimpekis, K. Mamassis, T Damianidis, and A. Mavros. A real-time vehicle management system for urban distributions based on time-dependent information. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop in Supply Chain Management and Information Systems (SCMIS 2005), July 6-8 2005.

  • V. Zeimpekis, K. Mamassis, G.M. Giaglis, I. Minis, and A. Mavros. Real-time fleet management for urban freight distributions. In Proceedings of the 9th National Congress on Logistics (Logistics 2005), November 25 2005.

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. Learning opportunities in massively multiplayer online role playing games player communities. In CHI 04 Workshop: Social Learning Through Gaming, April 2004.

  • S.A. Borotis and A. Poulymenakou. E-learning readiness components: Key issues to consider before adopting e-learning interventions. In E-Learn 2004, pages 1622–1629, November 2004.

  • D. Drossos and G.M. Giaglis. Towards a classification framework of factors influencing mobile messaging advertising effectiveness. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mobile Business, July 11-12 2004.

  • D. Drossos, M. Bina, K. Manikas, T. Manolatos, and G.M. Giaglis. Wlans in athletics: An empirical investigation into user perceptions and system architecture critical components. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Econometrics of Sports, September 10th 2004.

  • D. Drossos, E. Tzitzi, and G.M. Giaglis. Mobile youth: a socio-cultural perspective. In Proceedings of the 1st Student Conference on Management Science and Technology, March 17 2004.

  • G.M. Giaglis and M. Bina. Framing a research agenda for ad hoc community-based wireless local area networks. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mobile Business, July 11-12 2004.

  • V. Karamanis, P. Zaharias, and A. Poulymenakou. Instructional strategy for designing e-learning courses for adult learners. In EDMEDIA 2004, June 2004.

  • P. Kourouthanassis, V. Zeimpekis, and G.M. Giaglis. Providing supply chain with intelligence: Current status and future trends of rfid technology acceptance in the greek market. In Proceedings of the 8th National Congress on Logistics, Logistics 2004, November 26-27 2004.

  • Ada Pateli, Diomidis Spinellis, and Giorgos Giaglis. Wireless info-communication and navigation services in exhibition shows. In Mel Horwitch, editor, Third International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB): mBusiness 2004, July 2004.

  • K. Pramatari, G.J. Doukidis, and P. Kourouthanassis. Towards smarter supply and demand-chain collaboration practices enabled by rfid technology. In Proceedings of the Smart Business Networks Scientific Workshop, May 26-28 2004.

  • E. Prasopoulou, N. Panteli, and N. Pouloudi. Social accessibility and the mobile phone: A temporal perspective. In T. W. Bynum, N. Pouloudi, S. Rogerson, and T. Spyrou, editors, Proceedings of the seventh international conference Ethicomp 2004: Challenges for the Citizen of the Information Society, volume II, pages 773–784. University of the Aegean, 2004.

  • Angeliki Tsilira, Adamantia Pateli, Erast Athanasiadis, and Diomidis Spinellis. Targeted messages in indoor mobile environment: A software-oriented approach. In M. H. Hamza, editor, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 734–739. IASTED, ACTA Press, February 2004.

  • P. Vlachos, A. Vrechopoulos, and G.M. Giaglis. Exploring facets of perceived service quality in mobile internet services (mobis): A structural equation approach. In EURO XX 20th European Conference on Operational Research: OR and the Management of Electronic Services, July 4-7 2004.

  • P. Vlachos, A. Vrechopoulos, and G.M. Giaglis. Mobile internet services usage patterns: Evidence from the emerging hellenic market. In EURO XX 20th European Conference on Operational Research: OR and the Management of Electronic Services, July 4-7 2004.

  • P. Zaharias, K. Vassilopoulou, and A. Poulymenakou. Designing affective-oriented e-learning courses: An empirical study exploring quantitative relations between usability attributes and motivation to learn. In EDMEDIA 2004, June 2004.

  • Vassilopoulou K. Zaharias P. and A. Poulymenakou. Designing affective-oriented e-learning courses: An empirical study exploring quantitative relations between usability attributes and motivation to learn. In Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2004. AACE, June 2004.

  • V. Zeimpekis and G.M. Giaglis. Mobile real-time services for city logistics: An empirical investigation into user perception and requirements. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mobile Business, July 11-12 2004.

  • V. Zeimpekis and G.M. Giaglis. The use of wireless systems for real-time vehicle re-routing. In Proceedings of the 1st Student Conference on Management Science and Technology, March 17 2004.

  • V. Zeimpekis, G.M. Giaglis, and A. Tatarakis. A systemic approach to real-time vehicle rerouting for urban distributions. In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Operation Research, 2004.

  • Nikas A. Network information infrastructures in the construction industry: Introducing web-based collaborative technologies in distributed organisational settings. In Doctoral Consortium of the European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), 16-18 June 2003.

  • Papargyris A. and Poulymenakou A. Evolving knowledge: An exploration of affinities between knowledge management and communities of practice. In Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Knowledge Management, September 2003.

  • G.M. Giaglis, I. Minis, A. Tatarakis, and V. Zeimpekis. Real-time decision support systems in urban distributions: Opportunities afforded by mobile and wireless technologies. In 3rd International ECR Research Symposium, 2003.

  • E.A. Gryazin, J.O. Tuominen, and P. Kourouthanassis. Distributed information systems development for consumer market. In The scientific and technical conference: Methods and means of information processing, October 2003.

  • Zaharias P. Vassilopoulou K. and Poulymenakou A. Network information infrastructures in the construction industry: Introducing web-based collaborative technologies in distributed organisational settings. In ED-MEDIA 2004: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, 21-26 June 2003.

  • P. Kourouthanassis and G. Roussos. Developing the user experience in ubiquitous commerce. In International Conference of Ubiquitous Computing, pages 20–23, 2003.

  • M.D. Lytras, A. Pouloudi, and N. Korfiatis. An ontological oriented approach on e-learning. integrating semantics for adaptive e-learning systems. In C. Ciborra et al., editor, New Paradigms in Organizations, Markets and Society. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2003), 2003.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and Pouloudi A. Applying the normative aspect of stakeholder analysis to electronic commerce policy making: Stakeholder considerations for the elimination of the digital divide. In Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS-36), IEEE Computer, 2003.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and Pouloudi A. Electronic commerce policy making towards the elimination of the digital divide: insights from the developing region of south eastern europe. In American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2003), 2003.

  • A. Pateli and G.M Giaglis. A framework for understanding and analysing e-business models. In 16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference - eTransformation, June 2003.

  • A. Pateli and G.M Giaglis. A methodology for business model evolution: Application in the mobile exhibition industry. In G.M. Giaglis, H. Werthner, V. Tchammer, and K.A Froeschl, editors, Second International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), pages 87–102, June 2003.

  • A. Poulymenakou and E. Prasopoulou. A network life cycle perspective on managing an inter-organizational network. In eChallenges e2003, October 22-24 2003.

  • E. Prasopoulou and A. Pouloudi. Adopting technological solutions in an alliance setting: The case of global emanagement mba. In IFIP WG 8.2 WG 9.4: IS Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalization, June 15-17 2003. In progress paper.

  • E. Rodina, V. Zeimpekis, and K. Fouskas. Remote workforce business process integration through real-time mobile communications. In G.M. Giaglis, H. Werthner, V. Tchammer, and K.A Froeschl, editors, Second International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), June 2003 2003.

  • E. Rodina, V. Zeimpekis, and K. Fouskas. Remote workforce business process integration through real-time mobile communications. In G.M. Giaglis, H. Werthner, V. Tchammer, and K.A Froeschl, editors, Second International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), June 2003.

  • G. Roussos, P. Kourouthanassis, and T. Moussouri. Appliance design for mobile commerce and retailtainment. In First Appliances Design Conference, pages 99–102, 2003.

  • George Roussos, Panos Kourouthanasis, Diomidis Spinellis, Eugene Gryazin, Mike Pryzbliski, George Kalpogiannis, and George Giaglis. Systems architecture for pervasive retail. In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 631–636, New York, March 2003. ACM, ACM Press.

  • K. Samiotis and A. Poulymenakou. Debriefing knowledge management interventions: The role of technological design and organisational fit. In Research-in-Progress Papers, IFIP (WG 8.2 and WG 9.4) - IS Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalisation, June 2003.

  • Karamanis V., P. Zaharias, and A. Poulymenakou. Developing the new web-based training environments: Towards an instructional-based learning object strategy. In PCI 2003: 9th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics, November 2003.

  • K. Vassilopoulou, X. Ziouvelou, A. Pateli, and A Pouloudi. Examining e-business models: applying a holistic approach in the mobile environment. In C. et al. Ciborra, editor, New Paradigms in Organizations, Markets and Society. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2003), June 16-21 2003.

  • K. Vassilopoulou, X. Ziouvelou, A. Pateli, and N. Pouloudi. Examining e-business models: Applying a holistic approach in the mobile environment. In New Paradigms in Organizations, Markets and Society. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information systems (ECIS), June 2003.

  • P. Zaharias and A. Poulymenakou. Implementing the learner-centered design paradigm for web-based training curricula. In ETRAIN2003: E-Training Practices for Professional Organisations, July 2003.

  • P. Chozos and A. Pouloudi. A european perspective on the adoption of electronic commerce by small to medium-sized enterprises. In 3rd European Conference E-COMM-LINE, pages 300–303, 2002.

  • G. Dafoulas, A. Pateli, and M. Turega. Business-to-employee cooperation support through online job interviews. In WBC '02, 2nd International Workshop on Web Based Collaboration, in conjunction with DEXA '02, 13th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, September 2002.

  • K. Fouskas, A. Pateli, D. Spinellis, and H. Virola. Applying contextual inquiry for capturing end-users behaviour requirements for mobile exhibition services. In 1st International Conference on Mobile Business, July 2002.

  • G.M. Giaglis. European research on knowledge and information management: Current status and future prospects. In 2nd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Managemnt, pages 19–25, April 2002.

  • G.M. Giaglis. On the present and future of european research on knowledge and information management. In 24th International Conference on Information Technology, June 2002.

  • G.M. Giaglis. Towards a predictive model for electronic marketplaces intermediation opportunities. In 3rd World Congress on the Management of Electronic Commerce, January 2002.

  • G.M. Giaglis, P. Kourouthanassis, and G.J Doukidis. Intelligent tagging and automatic home replenishment schemes: The mygrocer innovative business and technology framework. In International Conference on New Technologies and Strategies to Enhance Packaging Supply Chains, January 2002.

  • G.M. Giaglis, A. Pateli, K. Fouskas, P. Kourouthanassis, and A. Tsamakos. On the potential use of mobile positioning technologies in indoor environments. In 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, pages 413–429, June 2002.

  • V. Hlupic, Pouloudi A., and G. Rzevski. Using intelligent agents for knowledge management in e-commerce. In 22nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI '2002), pages 349–356. SRCE University Computing Centre, 2002.

  • P. Kavassalis, N. Spyropoulou, D. Drossos, V. Mitrokostas, G. Gikas, and A. Hatzistamatiou. Mobile permission marketing - framing the market inquiry. In 13th International Telecommunications Society's (ITS) European Regional Conference, September 2002.

  • Panos Kourouthanasis, Diomidis Spinellis, Giorgos Roussos, and Giorgos Giaglis. Intelligent cokes and diapers: MyGrocer ubiquitous computing environment. In First International Mobile Business Conference, pages 150–172, July 2002.

  • P. Kourouthanassis, G.M. Giaglis, and G.J Doukidis. Improving the retail grocery supply chain through mobile shopping of electronically referenced products. In 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, pages 263–278, June 2002.

  • P. Kourouthanassis, G. Roussos, and G.M. Giaglis. Intelligent cokes and diapers: Mygrocer ubiquitous computing environment. In 1st International Conference on Mobile Business, July 2002.

  • G. Lekakos and G.M. Giaglis. Delivering personalised advertisements in digital television: A methodology and empirical evaluation. In 2nd Workshop on Personalization in Future Television, pages 119–129, May 2002.

  • Miltiadis D. Lytras and Nancy Pouloudi. Semantics for e-learning: An advanced knowledge management oriented metadata schema for learning purposes. In Philip Barker & Samuel Rebelsky, editor, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 2002), pages 1195–1197, 2002.

  • M. Lytras, C. Lougos, P. Chozos, and A. Pouloudi. Interactive television and e-learning convergence: Examining the potential of t-learning. In European Conference on e-Learning 2002, 2002.

  • Miltiadis D. Lytras, Chris Lougos, Polyneikis Chozos, and Nancy Pouloudi. Interactive tv technology and e-learning convergence: A challenging landscape in the direction of effectiveness. In European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL), 2002.

  • Miltiadis D. Lytras, Nancy Pouloudi, and Angeliki Poulymenakou. Applying qualitative research in e-learning. discussion and findings from three case studies. investigating the quality of e-learning towards a knowledge management oriented metadata schema. In Philip Barker & Samuel Rebelsky, editor, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 2002), pages 1192–1194, 2002.

  • I. Mathes, A. Pateli, A. Tsamakos, and D. Spinellis. Context aware services in an exhibition environment-the mexpress approach. In Challenges and Achievements in E-business and E-work: Proceedings of the E-business and E-work Conference, pages 685–692, October 2002.

  • G. Milopoulos, A. Pouloudi, and G. Lytras. Cebos: Transforming sme needs to successful e-marketplaces. In B. et al In Stanford-Smith, editor, E-business and e-work Conference, pages 568–576, 2002.

  • G. Milopoulos, N. Pouloudi, and G. Lytras. e-marketplaces for all. In 3rd European Conference E-COMM-LINE, pages 265–268, 2002.

  • A. Nikas, A. Poulymenakou, and K. Samiotis. Networked business organisations: an actionable research framework. In Proceedings of eBusiness and eWork 2002 - Conference and Exhibition (e-2002), October 2002.

  • Poulymenakou A. Papargyris A. and Samiotis K. Knowledge processes embedded in task structures: Implications for the design of a technical and organisational solution. In Springer, editor, Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, volume 2569 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, December 2002.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and Pouloudi A. Investigating stakeholder participation in managing effective electronic commerce diffusion mechanisms. In 2nd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management (ICSTM'02), pages 12–19, 2002.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou, Pouloudi A., and G. J. Doukidis. Electronic commerce policy-making in developing regions: the case of south eastern europe. In International Resources Management Association Conference (IRMA'02), 2002.

  • Ada Pateli, Giorgos Giaglis, and Diomidis Spinellis. Indoor application environments and location-based services. In Proceedings of Workshop on Location-based Services for Accelerating the European-wide Deployment of Services for the Mobile User and Worker. The LOBSTER IST Cluster, October 2002.

  • N. Pouloudi, K. Vassilopoulou, and X. Ziouvelou. Considering the societal implications in the adoption of e-business models. In I. et al. In Alvarez, editor, 6th International Conference on The transformation of organizations in the information age: social and ethical implications (ETHICOMP' 02), pages 237–246, 2002.

  • Nancy Pouloudi, Polyneikis Chozos, and Miltiadis D. Lytras. Ethical issues in e-learning: Insights from the application of stakeholder analysis in three e-learning cases. In Margaret Driscoll & Thomas C. Reeves, editor, E-Learn 2002, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education, pages 196–203, 2002.

  • G. Roussos, L. Koukara, P. Kourouthanassis, G.M. Giaglis, J. Tuominen, O. Seppala, and J. Frissaer. A case study in pervasive retail. In 2nd ACM International Workshop on Mobile Commerce, pages 90–95, September 2002.

  • K. Samiotis and A. Poulymenakou. Using a practice-based perspective to inform the design of knowledge management systems: Evidence from supporting (e-)banking activities. In Proceedings of the Xth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2002), June 2002.

  • A. Tsamakos, P. Kourouthanassis, and G.M. Giaglis. Auctioning tourisn products over mobile devices. In 1st International Conference on Mobile Commerce, July 2002.

  • K. Vassilopoulou, A. Pouloudi, A Patronidou, and A. Poulymenakou. E-business models. a proposed framework. In B. et al. Stanford-Smith, editor, e-Business and e-Work Conference, pages 1003–1009, 2002.

  • A. Vrechopoulos, I. Constantiou, N. Mylonopoulos, and I. Sideris. Critical success factors for accelerating mobile commerce diffusion in europe. In C. Loebbecke, R.T. Wigand, J. Gricar, A. Pucihar, and G. Lenart, editors, Proceedings of the '15th Bled E-commerce Conference, e-Reality: Constructing the e-Economy'., June 17-19 2002.

  • A. Vrechopoulos, I. Constantiou, and I. Sideris. Strategic marketing planning for mobile commerce diffusion and consumer adoption. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mobile Business: Evolution Scenarios for Emerging Mobile Commerce Services - M-BUSINESS 2002., July 8-9 2002. prepared in CD - Folder 9.4 - by Mobicom IST project and ELTRUN - The eBusiness Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business.

  • P. Zaharias, A. Poulymenakou, and A. Ramfos. Developing e-learning services for the enhancement of ICT skills in enlargement european countries. In Proceedings of the e-2002: eBusiness and eWork 2002, October 2002.

  • P. Zaharias, C. Vassiliou, S. Halamandaris, Y. Hamodrakas, and D. Martakos. Web-based testing: dynamic construction of assessments over the web. In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2002: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, June 2002.

  • P. Zaharias, K. Vassilopoulou, and A. Poulymenakou. On-line learning courses: A review and usability attributes. In Proceedings of E-Learn 2002 Montreal, October 2002.

  • V. Zeimpekis and G.M Giaglis. Investigation and assessment of mobile commerce as a supply chain management facilitator. In 6th National Congress on Logistics, 2002.

  • V. Zeimpekis, R. Alvarez, R. Tafazzoli, and B.G. Evans. Impact of constellation design on doppler rate based mt positionins for s-umts. In AIAA International Communication Satellite Systems Conference, 2002.

  • C. Atkinson, T. Eldabi, R.J. Paul, and A. Pouloudi. Investigating integrated approaches to health informatics. In Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS-34), January 3-6 2001.

  • I. Ezz, A. Pouloudi, and R.M. O Keefe. Towards integrated management support: technical and organizational factors in the foreign financing decision making process in egypt. In BIT World 2001 Conference. Business Information Technology Management: Enabling Cultural Awareness, June 4-6 2001.

  • Samiotis K., A. Poulymenakou, and P. Zaharias. Interactive and multimedia interfaces for knowledge management and learning systems: Enabling self and work based learning. In Smith M and Salvendy G., editors, Proceedings of HCI International 2001: Systems, Social and Internationalization Design Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction, volume 2, pages 834–838, 2001.

  • P. Kourouthanassis, L. Koukara, C. Lazaris, and K. Thiveos. Last-mile supply chain management: Mygrocer innovative business and technology framework. In 17th International Logistics Congress on Logistics from A to U: Strategies and Applications, pages 264–273, 2001.

  • G. Lekakos, P. Kourouthanassis, and J. Tuominen. Redesigning the traditional retail value chain: Mygrocer innovative business and technology framework. In eBusiness & eWorks Conference, 2001.

  • Miltiadis D. Lytras and Athanasia Pouloudi. E-learning: Just a waste of time. In D. Strong, D. Straub and J.I. DeGross, editors, 7th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2001), pages 216–222, 2001.

  • Miltiadis D. Lytras and Athanasia Pouloudi. It skills utilization: From rhetorical verbalism to applied knowledge management. In D. Strong, D. Straub and J.I. DeGross, editors, 7th Americas Conference on Informaton Systems (AMCIS 2001), pages 1957–1962, 2001.

  • Miltiadis D. Lytras and Nancy Pouloudi. Expanding e-learning effectiveness. the shift from content orientation to knowledge management utilization. In World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 2001), 2001.

  • D. Papakiriakopoulos, A. Poulymenakou, and G. Doukidis. Building e-business models : An analytical framework and development guidelines. In Proceedings of 14th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference, June 2001.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi. Electronic commerce policy making in greece. In BIT World 2001 Conference. Business Information Technology Management: Enabling Cultural Awareness, June 4-6 2001.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi. The impact of social issues on internet policy making. In European Conference on Information Systems, pages 109–117, 2001.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou, Pouloudi A., and W.L. Currie. Applying the stakeholder concept to electronic commerce: extending previous research to guide government policy makers. In 34th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS-34), January 3-6 2001.

  • A. Pouloudi and A. Papazafeiropoulou. Dilemmas in addressing policy issues in electronic commerce. In ETHICOMP' 01, June 18-20 2001.

  • A. Pouloudi, G.D. Magoulas, M. Grigoriadou, S. Hossain, and V. Kanidis. It supported learning in schools: Insights from the british and greek experience. In CAL 2001 'Learning across the ages', April 2-4 2001.

  • G. Rousos, P. Kourouthanasis, G. Lekakos, and G.J. Doukidis. Challenges for automatic home supply replenishment in e-retailing. In e-Commerce Frontiers 2001, - 2001.

  • K. Samiotis, A. Poulymenakou, and P. Zacharias. The learning enactment of process knowledge: An approach anchored on work pratices. In Proceedings of Conference 2001: Managing Knowledge - Conversations and Critiques, April 2001.

  • K. Samiotis, A. Poulymenakou, and P. Zacharias. Learning on process knowledge: A technological and methodological proposition. In Proceedings of eBusiness and eWork 2001 - Conference and Exhibition (e-2001), October 2001.

  • P. Seltsikas, A. Pouloudi, K. Ball, and R. Forrester. Simulating skills and knowledge for human resource development: technology meets organization. In D. Strong, D. Straub and J.I. DeGross, editors, 7th Americas Conference on Information Systems, pages 1820–1823, 2001.

  • P. Zacharias, A. Poulymenakou, and K. Samiotis. The case study method: principles and design requirements for building interactive organizational case studies to facilitate the management of knowledge in organizations. In ProceedingsECKM 2001: 2nd European Conference on Knowledge Management, November 2001.

  • P. Zaharias, A. Poulymenakou, and K. Samiotis. Web-based testing: Providing learners with customized constructing tests. In Salvendy G. Smith M, editor, Proceedings of HCI International 2001: Systems, Social and Internationalization Design Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction, volume 2, pages 740–744, 2001.

  • P. Zaharias, K. Samiotis, and A. Poulymenakou. Learning in knowledge-intensive organizations:methods and tools for enabling organizational learning processes. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising: ICE 2001, "Engineering the Knowledge Economy through Co-operation", pages 467–475, June 2001.

  • D.L. Amoroso, G.M. Giaglis, and Z. Irani. Evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of information systems: Chair's introduction to the minitrack. In 33rd Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Sciences, January 2000.

  • C. Atkinson, T. Eldabi, R.J. Paul, and A. Pouloudi. The centre for health informatics and computing (chic). In D. Kalpic & V.H. Dobric, editor, 22nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI'2000), pages 3–21. SRCE University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, 2000.

  • V.V. Bosilj, Giaglis G.M., and V. Hlupic. Idef diagrams and petri nets for business process modelling: Suitability, efficacy, and complementary use. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 242–247, 2000.

  • W.L. Currie and A. Pouloudi. It outsourcing: a challenge for the management of knowledge as a resource. In J. Edwards, J. & Kidd, editor, The Knowledge Management Conference (KMAC 2000) Knowledge Management beyond the hype: looking towards the new millennium, pages 364–375, July 17-18 2000.

  • G. Doukidis, A. Papazafeiropoulou, and A. Pouloudi. A framework for best practice awareness models in the european region. In 2nd South Eastern European Conference on e-Commerce: 'Paving the Way for the Digital SE Europe', pages 195–198, October 24-26 2000.

  • Spanos Y. Prastacos G.P. and Poulymenakou A. The impact of information and communication technologies on firm structure. evidence from an economy in transition. In 2000 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, 12-15 November 2000.

  • S. Hossain, A. Pouloudi, and G.D. Magoulas. Issues of it adoption in schools. In R. Hackney, editor, 10th Annual Business Information Technology Conference (BIT 2000), November 1-2 2000.

  • M. Lycett and G.M. Giaglis. Component information systems: Toward a framework for evaluation. In 33rd Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Sciences, January 2000.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi. Challenges for european national governments in the electronic commerce era. In R. Hackney, editor, 10th Annual Business Information Technology Conference (BIT 2000), November 1-2 2000.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi. The government's role in improving electronic commerce adoption. In H.R. Hansen et al., editor, 8th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2000), volume Vol.1, pages 709–716, 2000.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou and A. Pouloudi. The role of european national governments in improving e-commerce adoption: a stakeholder perspective. In 2nd South Eastern European Conference on e-Commerce: 'Paving the Way for the Digital SE Europe', pages 130–132, October 24-26 2000.

  • A. Pouloudi and E.A. Whitley. Representing human and non-human stakeholders: on speaking with authority. In IFIP, pages 340–354, 2000.

  • K. Pramatari, A. Vrechopoulos, N. Mylonopoulos, G. Papamichail, and A. Poulimenakou. Personalised services and promotions in internet retailing. In B. Stanford-Smith and P.T. Kidd, editors, Proceedings of eBusiness and eWork 2000 Conference, pages 153–161, October 18-20 2000.

  • G. Rzevski, A. Pouloudi, and V. Hlupic. The scope and applications of knowledge management research: An integrated approach. In J. Edwards, J & Kidd, editor, The Knowledge Management Conference (KMAC 2000) Knowledge Management beyond the hype: looking towards the new millennium, pages 304–312, July 17-18 2000.

  • J. Eatock, Giaglis G.M., and R.J. Paul. Motivation for integrating computer network simulation with business process simulation. In Proceedings of the 4th UKAIS Conference, pages 407–415, April 1999.

  • J. Eatock, A. Serrano, Giaglis G.M., and R.J. Paul. A case study on integrating business and network simulation for business process redesign. In Proceedings of UKSIM'99: Conference of the United Kingdom Simulation Society, pages 114–118, April 1999.

  • Giaglis G.M. Integrated simulation of business processes and information systems. In Proceedings of UKSIM'99: Conference of the United Kingdom Simulation Society, pages 119–125, April 1999.

  • Giaglis G.M. Modelling the impact of information systems in business process simulation models. In Proceedings of the 1999 Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (Industrial and Business Simulation Symposium), pages 172–177, April 1999.

  • Giaglis G.M., S. Klein, and R.M. O Keefe. Disintermediation, reintermediation, or cybermediation? the future of intermediaries in electronic marketplaces. In Proceedings of the 12th International Bled Conference on Electronic Commerce, pages 398–407, June 1999.

  • Giaglis G.M., Manikas K.M., V.Z. Pergioudakis, Doukidis G.I., P. Miliotis, and E. Pattakos. Holistic decision support systems for investment evaluation: Integrating financial, commercial, technical and strategic perspectives. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, pages 235–237, July 1999.

  • Giaglis G.M., R.J. Paul, and R.M. O Keefe. Combining business and network simulation models for it investment evaluation. In Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, January 1999.

  • Giaglis G.M., R.J. Paul, and A. Serrano. Reconciliation of business and systems modelling via discrete event simulation. In Proceedings of the 1999 Winter Simulation Conference, pages 1403–1409, December 1999.

  • J. Kuljis, A. Pouloudi, R.D. Macredie, and R.J. Paul. A comparison between government and commercial interorganisational systems. In D. Kalpic & V.H.Dobric, editor, 21st International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, pages 293–303, June 15-18 1999.

  • M.G. Lycett and A. Pouloudi. Issues of data protection in contemporary development environments. In 4th International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ETHICOMP'99), October 6-8 1999.

  • G.D. Magoulas and A. Pouloudi. Ethical issues in the use of neural network-based methodologies for image interpretation in medical imaging projects. In 4th International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ETHICOMP' 99), October 6-8 1999.

  • A. Papazafeiropoulou, A. Pouloudi, and A. Poulymenakou. Use of stakeholder analysis for electronic commerce applications in the public sector: different development scenarios. In J.Pries-Heje et al., editor, 7th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS99), pages 895–908, 1999.

  • A. Pouloudi. Aspects of the stakeholder concept and their implications for information systems development. In 32nd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS-32), 1999.

  • A. Pouloudi and L.P. Baldwin. Learning outcomes in information systems development: a learner-centred view. In 16th International Conference on Technology and Education (ICTE'99), pages 316–318, March 29-31 1999.

  • A. Pouloudi and V. Serafeimides. Stakeholders of information systems evaluation: experience from a case study. In D. Brown, A. & Remenyi, editor, 6th European Conference on the Evaluation of Information Technology, pages 90–98, November 4-5 1999.

  • A. Pouloudi, L.P. Baldwin, C. Angelopoulos, and R.M. O Keefe. Internet technology in distance -not distant- learning. In L.Brooks C.Kimble, editor, UK Academy for Information Systems Conference, pages 698–709, 1999.

  • A. Serrano, Giaglis G.M., and R.J. Paul. Technical issues related to integrating modelling of business processes. In Proceedings of the 4th UKAIS Conference, pages 429–437, April 1999.

  • Terpsidis J. Doukidis G. Zarogianni V. Manikas K. Poulymenakou A. and Miliotis. P. The role of information systems within efficient consumer response (ecr): towards a maturity model of engagement. In 11th International Bled Electronic Commerce Conference 'Electronic Commerce in the Information Society', pages 144–161, June 8-10 1998.

  • Themistocleous M. Poulymenakou A. and Laopodis V. Electronic commerce in the public sector: towards a framework of considerations. In 11th International Bled Electronic Commerce Conference 'Electronic Commerce in the Information Society', pages 537–551, June 8-10 1998.

  • Giaglis G.M. and G.J. Doukidis. Bpr in support of electronic commerce: A case study. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, pages 655–660, August 1998.

  • Giaglis G.M. and R.J. Paul. The evaluation of investments in electronic commerce. In Proceedings of the 4th Americas Conference on Information Systems, pages 299–302, August 1998.

  • Giaglis G.M., R.J. Paul, and G.J. Doukidis. Dynamic modelling to assess the business value of electronic commerce. In Proceedings of the 11th International Bled Electronic Commerce Conference, vol. 1: Research, pages 57–73, June 1998.

  • Lucas Introna and Athanasia Pouloudi. Privacy in the information age: Stakeholders, interests and values. In Terrel Ward Bynum and Simon Rogerson, editors, 4th International Conference on Ethical Issues of Information Technology (ETHICOMP'98), pages 340–352, March 25-27 1998.

  • R.J. Paul, V. Hlupic, and Giaglis G.M. Simulation modelling of business processes. In Proceedings of the 3rd UKAIS Conference, pages 311–320, April 1998.

  • A. Pouloudi. Nhsnet: Opportunities, problems and lessons for interorganisational systems implementation. In In W. R. J. Baets, editor, 6th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS98), pages 1501–1513, 1998.

  • A. Pouloudi and C. Reed. Towards a multi-agent representation of stakeholder interests. In H. S. Nwana and D. T. Ndumu, editors, 3rd International Conference on The Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology (PAAM98), pages 393–407, 1998.

  • M. Themistokleous and A. Poulymenakou. Developing electronic stores: Some critical considration for practice. In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, pages 673–679. IEEE Computer Society, The Printing House, August 1998.

  • Poulymenakou A. Drakos W. and Papazafeiropoulou A. New web application development practices. In European Multimedia Microprocessor Systems and Electronic Commerce Conference and Exhibition, 28-30 September 1998.

  • Poulymenakou A. and Cornford T. Studying information systems at the organizational level: interpreting technology. In Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 16-18 1996.

  • Giaglis G.M. Modelling electronic data interchange through simulation: An industry-wide perspective. In Proceedings of the 8th European Simulation Symposium, pages 199–203, October 1996.

  • Giaglis G.M., R.J. Paul, and G.J. Doukidis. Simulation for intra- and inter-organisational business process modelling. In Proceedings of the 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, pages 613–620, December 1996.

  • A. Pouloudi and E. A Whitley. Applying stakeholder analysis to inter-organisational systems in the context of health care in the uk. In HUSITA Conference, 1996.

  • A. Pouloudi and E. A. Whitley. Managing information systems conflict: From the organizational to the interorganizational context. In 1st Conference of the UK Academy of Information Systems, 1996.

  • Athanasia Pouloudi and Edgar A Whitley. Privacy of electronic medical records: Understanding conflicting concerns in an interorganizational system. In Porfirio Barroso, Terrel Ward Bynum, Simon Rogerson, and Luis Joyanes, editors, ETHICOMP'96 - 3rd International Conference: Values and Social Responsibilities of the Computer Science, pages 307–327, 1996.

  • Athanasia Pouloudi and Edgar A Whitley. Stakeholder analysis as a longitudinal approach to interorganizational systems analysis. In J. Dias Coelho, Tawfik Jelassi, Wolfgang Koening, Helmut Krcmar, Ramon O'Callaghan, and Markku Saaksjarvi, editors, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Information Systems, pages 33–44, 1996.

  • M.G. Themistokleous, J. Pappas, G.J. Doukidis, and G.M. Giaglis. Electronic commerce and oracle: Implementation of the edifact structure on an rdbms. In Proceedings of the Europe, Middle East and Africa Oracle User Group Conference, April 1996.

  • Serafeimidis V. and Poulymenakou A. Exploring role of evaluation in information systems failure. In Brown A. and Remenyi D., editors, 3rd European Conference on the Evaluation of Information Technology, pages 155–165, November 29 1996.

  • Poulymenakou A. A contingency approach to knowledge acquisition: a review of critical success factors to knowledge based systems development. In Third National Conference of the Greek Computer Society, 'Information Technology in the Nineties', May 1995.

  • Poulymenakou A. and Holmes A. Towards a conceptual framework for studying information systems failure (best conference paper runner-up prize). In 3rd European Conference on Information Systems, June 1-3 1995.

  • Poulymenakou A. and Serafeimidis V. Unlocking the secrets of information systems failure: the key role of evaluation. In 5th National Conference of the Greek Computer Society, December 8-10 1995.

  • N. Mylonopoulos, G. Doukidis, and G.M. Giaglis. Assessing the expected benefits of electronic data interchange through simulation modelling techniques. In Doukidis, G., Galliers R., Jelassi T., Krcmar H., and Land F., editors, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Information Systems, pages 931–943, June 1995.

  • N. Mylonopoulos, G. Doukidis, and G.M. Giaglis. Information systems investment evaluation through simulation: the case of edi. In Glarke R., Gricar J., and Navak J., editors, Conference Proceedings of the 8th International EDI-IOS Conference, pages 12–26, June 1995.

  • Athanasia Pouloudi. Stakeholder analysis in interorganizational information systems: The case of drug use management systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Doctoral Consortium, 1995.

  • Athanasia Pouloudi and Edgar A. Whitley. Using stakeholder analysis to explore the environment of drug use management systems. In G. Doukidis, B. Galliers, T. Jelassi, H. Krcmar, and F. Land, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Information Systems, pages 307–319, 1995.

  • Poulymenakou A. A contingency approach to knowledge acquisition: critical factors for knowledge based systems development. In Third Annual Symposium of the International Association of Knowledge Engineers, November 16-19 1992.

  • Whitley E. Poulymenakou A. and Cornford T. The spring model for knowledge based systems analysis: a case study involving small and medium sized enterprises. In IEEE ACM International Conference, 'Developing and Managing Expert System Programs', September 30 - October 2 1991.

  • Poulymenakou A. Cornford T. and Whitley E. Knowledge acquisition to facilitate organisational problem solving. In ACM-SIGBDP International Conference, 'Trends and Direction in Expert Systems', 31 October - 2 November 1990.

  • Poulymenakou A. and Doukidis G. Towards an integrated approach of knowledge acquisition theory and practice. In Second National Conference of the Greek Computer Society, pages 429–438, May 1988.

White Papers

  • Pitsillides, Valeri, Fouskas, and Giaglis. mbusiness application and services research challenges. Technical report, Athens University of Economics and Business Research Centre, 2003.

  • Fouskas K. and Pateli A. Mobile in exchibition provision of electronic support services: Actor requirements framework & realistic application scenarios. Technical report, Athens University of Economics and Business Research Centre, 2002.

  • Fouskas K. and J. Syros P. Feasibility study of mobile ticketing in greece. Technical report, Athens University of Economics and Business Research Centre, 2002.

  • Nikolaos A. Mylonopoulos, Ioannis Sideris, Kostas Fouskas, and Ada Pateli. Emerging market dynamics in the mobile services industry. Technical Report WHP-2002-001, the Members of the MobiCom Consortium, 2002.

  • Ada Pateli. A domain area report on business models. Technical Report WHP-2002-002, ELTRUN, 2002.

  • Kirchinger T., Dusener M., and Fouskas K. Analysis of consumer behavior on m-commerce services. Technical report, Athens University of Economics and Business Research Centre, 2002.

Working Papers

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